Cheese Pringles

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"Woah okay say that again but slower," Tolkien says, worry in his eyes.

I'm currently sitting on Jimmy's bedroom floor, Clyde hugging my side, Jimmy sat eating Pringles and Tolkien sat in front of me asking what happened.

"Well, me and Tweek kissed and my dad saw and then he got mad and that made my mom mad and then me and Tweek went to get Tricia a present, it's Tricias birthday soon and she's sad and Tweek hates me and I hate Tweek." I blurt out, not leaving time for me to breathe.

"Okay wait, why did you and Tweek kiss?" Tolkien asks.

Jimmy now has stopped eating his pringles and pulls a shocked face.

And Clyde gives me an awkward look.

Did I forget to come out to my friends?

"I'm gay?" I say.

Tolkien's mouth makes an O shape and Jimmy giggles.

"And you didn't tell us?" Tolkien questions.

"I told Clyde!" I try to reason.

"Dude! That's a big thing! You should've told us!" Tolkien exclaims.

"I knew i-it!" Jimmy says, a massive grin on his face.

"Okay so you're gay, but why Tweek? Is he even gay?" Tolkien asks.

"Uhm well, we just did but that doesn't matter, what matters is my family and Tweek hate me." I shove my head into my hands.

"I doubt your mom hates you! She loves you a lot, and so does Tricia and your dad, maybe they're just confused" Clyde reasons.

"My mom and Tricia knew, it was my dad who didn't and he found out in the worst way possible!" I mumble, regretting everything.

"Why does Tweek huh-hate you?" Jimmy asks.

"I got jealous and I kept nagging him over stuff and it annoyed him and I feel horrible."

Tolkien patted my shoulder and pulled a slight smile.

"I'm sure he doesn't, it's okay. Thank you for coming to us though, we are always here for you." He says before pulling me into a hug.

Jimmy then scoots over and joins the hug.

And so does a crying Clyde, pulling us all into a massive bear hug, squishing us.

We continue to hug until we hear the front door open.

"Jimmy! There's someone here asking for that boy you're friends with." Mrs Valmer shouts.

Tolkien stands up, letting Jimmy sit.

"I'll go see who it is." Tolkien says before walking out of the room to meet the mystery person.

"So, Jimmy, what flavor Pringles are those?" Clyde asks.

"Cheddar ch-ch-cheese." He says, offering the can to Clyde.

Clyde quickly snatches the can and shoves multiple pringles in his mouth.

He offers me one but his hands are covered in his saliva and cheese dust.

"Yeah, no thanks," I mumble.

Tolkien opens the door with an angry look on his face.

He walks into the room and Tweek walks in after him.



"Hi." He mumbles.

"Hey," I reply.

"Can I sit here?" Tweek asks, pointing at Jimmy's bean bag.

"Uh... Yuh-Yeah sure..." Jimmy replies, pulling an unsure look.

Tweek sits down and pulls a sad look at me.

"I went to your house but your dad told me you left, so I went to Clyde's but his dad said Clyde was here, so I thought maybe you'd be here and... Well I was right so hi, are you okay?" Tweek explains and then asks.

I hum and shrug my shoulders.

Tolkien nods at Jimmy.

"We'll be in the kitchen downstairs if you need us," Tolkien states.

"We will?" Clyde asks.

Tolkien nods and then grabs Clyde's arm.

They all leave the room.

Leaving me and Tweek.


"I'm sorry, I left you upset." Tweek mumbles.

"It's okay, I shouldn't have been like that." I say.

Tweek smiles at me and I smile back.

"Uhm.. Craig?" Tweek mumbles.


"I uh.. I've liked you since we bumped into each other all that time ago, I've always loved talking to you and I've always admired you." Tweek says, his eyes darting around the room.


"Oh uh.. Are you asking me out?" I question.

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugs.

"No." I mumble.

He hums with a confused look.

"I don't want to date you," I say, louder.

Tweek's eyes go watery and he stands up.

"I understand, bye Craig." He says before walking out of the room.

I hear people talking and then I hear a door shut.

I then hear people racing up the stairs.

"Clyde you're going to crush Jimmy!"

"Are you fat-shaming me?" 

"Your a-a-ass is in my fuh-face Clyde."

Then Tolkien, Jimmy and Clyde barge in.

"What happened!" Clyde asks, breathing heavily.

"Tweek, asked me out and... I said no." I shrug.

They all pull shocked faces.

"Why?" Tolkien asks.

"I asked if he was asking me out and he said 'yeah, I guess' and I don't know, he seemed unsure about dating me and I want to date someone that actually wants to date me." I reason.

"So.. You would be up for dating someone?" Clyde questions with a grin.

"Well yeah, I just-" I say before being cut off.

"Speed dating!" Clyde exclaims.

Tolkien pulls a confused look.

"To take your mind off of Tweek! You could meet someone." Clyde says, excitedly jumping up and down.

I shrug.

"That's a yes! We'll start tomorrow, I'll text some people." Clyde pulls his phone out and begins to quickly type.

Clyde sits down and continues to text.

Tolkien sits beside me and hands me a bowl of cut-up grapes.

"You remembered!" I exclaim.

"I wanted to make you feel better." He says.

"Reminds me of my mama, I didn't actually see her when I went home. I wonder where she is." I mumble.

Tolkien pats my shoulder before picking up an Xbox controller to play Fortnite with Jimmy.

Where was my mom?

Dad said 'She won't be pleased' As if she wasn't there?

What happened when me and Tweek were out.


I broke his heart I think.

Hopefully, this speed dating thing gets me over him.

I really hope it does.

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