Figuring it out...

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Figuring it out...

(The next morning)


Alhaitham's POV:

I couldn't sleep a wink.

I stayed at thignari's house,

I cant believe he actually left...

Its all my fault.

I see Thignari opening the door of his bedroom, he must have just woke up.

Thignari: "... haitham... have you even slept...?"

Haitham: "couldn't... nari... listen... tell the academia ill be hone for some days.. im going searching for him..."

Thignari: "ill come too."

Cyno: "me three"

Cyno says leaving thignari's room yawning

Haitham: "thank you guys... if theres one thing we know its that he left sumeru..."

Cyno: "so lets start with that."

Kaveh's POV:


Soon after i woke up i heard a knock on my door.

Baizhu: "are you awake?"

Kaveh: "yea i am.."

Baizhu: "may i come in?"

Kaveh: "go ahead..."

The doctor opened the door, he a try of food in his hands

Baizhu: "you need to eat again."

Kaveh: "fine..."

Baizhu: "you should stay indoors for a day."

Kaveh: "ok... i have a question... have you seen mehrak..? It looks like a suitcase-"

Baizhu: "im sorry but when qiqi brought you here she only had you in her arms..."

Kaveh: "oh... ok..."

I begun eating, i was worried for mehrak...
He was all alone... and so was i...


Alhaitham's POV:

We all got ready to leave to go look for kaveh. Thignari was saying bye to collei, we were waiting for him.

Thignari: "alright collei, well be off. Well be gone for awhile so take care ok..??"

Collei: "yes good luck master thignari..."

After that we left, after a while of walking we arrived to the tunnel that connected to the chasm, we walk trough it, it look less long then it actually was, after a bit we arrived to the other side. Right when we do i see something. Kaveh? No... it was mehrak!

Haitham: "guys! I see something! Its mehrak!"

We all run to mehrak, thignari then slightly touched it, it then turned on, the look on its screen was one of panic, it started making lots of noise and floating around quickly.

Cyno: "what happened here? Kaveh always carries mehrak- he wouldn't leave him here."

It looked like mehrak was trying to tell us something...

Haitham: " i think its trying to tell us something-"

Mehrak gets closer to the edge of the cliff and its screen showed... an arrow...?

Thignari: "shit... i think... he fell..."

Haitham: "HE FELL?!"

I go to the edge of the cliff looking down there wasn't any traces of blood, cyno camr next to me and looked

Cyno: "no blood.. so hes fine..."

Thignari: "lets head down and see what happened."

We headed down the cliff, when we arrive cyno crouches down

Cyno: "theres footsteps... theyre too small to be kavehs but too again too small to be of any monsters..."

Thignari: "someone must have caught him..."


Leaving this at a 'cliff' hanger

(Get it?? Get it??? Cliff? As in the cliff kaveh fell off?? No? Ok... 😔 #cynojokes)

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