Part 69 - Selection

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"I can't believe you've slept in again on the day of State Selection." Marlon says from the bottom of the stairs as you dash down them in a hurry. You've already gotten changed but need to grab some food and sort your surf bag out, with only fifteen minutes to spare.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Not like I'm going to make it." you mutter as you dart past your brother into the kitchen.

"You were surfing well before Jarrah Island this year." he calls through to you as you throw some bread in the toaster.

"Yeah, and then I've been absolutely thrashed by Wren in every competition since," you say frustratedly. "Maybe I should just give up."

"Or come back to Shorehaven?" Marlon suggests.

"I can't with Wren around! I'll have to listen to her and Ari every day. It would be literal hell," you bury your head in your hands on the countertop, slightly dramatically, you'll admit. "She's literally ruined my life."

"Chill. Even if you don't make the state team today, you've still got next year. This is my only chance."

"I know. And I'm not putting any pressure on myself to make it, I just...want to prove I can do it."

"You and me both," he replies. "But hey, if you and Wren both make the team you'll be spending a lot more time with her."

"Maybe I'll throw my heat on purpose then." you mutter.


When you arrive at the wave pool, you spot the Tetanui Surf School van in the car park, and make your way to the front gate to find Poppy and Bodhi. Despite being on the State team last year, Poppy and all the other reps still under 18 have to try out if they want to keep their places.

"Hey, Marlon, Y/n. How's it going?" you hear Manu and turn to see the coach behind you.

"I know you enjoy being unaffiliated. I get it. No commitments," he shrugs. "But you do know that the State team is another level of commitment, right?"

"Yeah. I know. I'm just here for the experience, to be honest. Not expecting anything." you reply, although it would be nice to know you have what it takes to make the State team. The most prestigious team in, well, the State.

"And how about you?" Manu turns to your brother. "Gonna kill it out there today?"

"You know I am." he replies, and you leave Manu to talk to your brother, and head over to Poppy and Bodhi instead.

"How was the drive?" Bodhi asks Poppy, pulling her into a hug.

"I'm the freeway queen. Although Manu wouldn't agree," Poppy turns to you. "How's Mars' driving?"

"Like a maniac." you reply bluntly. Suddenly, a high pitched tone rings out across the tannoy system, followed by some sort of announcement.

"Bodhi Mercer, Y/n Sousa and Poppy Tetanui: your pizza is ready. I repeat: your pizza is ready." It's a female voice, incredibly familiar but you can't place it.

"What the hell?" you ask, looking around for the source of the announcement. There's no one at the official's desk, so you're at a loss as to how someone accessed the tannoy system.

"And Marlon Sousa, can you please put on a shirt for once?" It's then when you realise who's speaking. You'd recognise that American twang anywhere. But, it can't be, right?

"Summer?" Bodhi exclaims and you swivel round instantly to where she's looking.

"Summer?" Poppy repeats in confusion, then follows your gaze to where the unmistakable figure of Summer Torres emerges from one of the tents.

Poppy squeals and immediately runs up to Summer, nearly crushing her as she jumps up to hug her. You and Bodhi both do the same, and it feels odd to be hugging someone you thought was on the other side of the world.

"What are you doing here?" you exclaim, but she doesn't have time to explain when your brother comes bounding up to her.

"America?" he bursts out with.

"Brazil! What's up?" she replies with similar enthusiasm.

Summer suddenly seems distracted by something, and you follow her eyes to the wave pool, where Ari is strolling out of the shallows with his board under his arm.

He smiles, but confusedly, the corner of his mouth twitching as if he wants to say something but words fail him.

All Summer can muster is a simple 'Hi', and it looks like Ari can finally gather the courage to say something, before Wren, timing perfect as always, strolls past Summer and sidles up to Ari, placing a towel around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. It seems calculated. Even though Wren can't know who Summer is. "Hey handsome." she mutters, but loud enough for us all to hear.

"Wren," he says, and she follows his eyes to the girl standing opposite them. "This is Summer."

Wren hesitates for a minute, seeming to rack her mind for where she's heard the name before. "Oh my god, Summer, hi! I've heard so much about you." Wren says sweetly, even wrapping her arms around her and embracing her.

"And Summer, this is Wren," he pauses, a smile playing on his lips. "My girlfriend."

"Uh, Ari, how could you not tell me she was coming?" Wren says, almost accusatory, but Summer takes the blame.

"No, it's my bad. I, um...I was trying to surprise him." she mumbles.

"Mission accomplished." Poppy mutters, and you can't help but smile as her and Bodhi giggle.

"So, what are you doing here?" Ari asks, that annoying smile still stuck to his face.

"I'm actually here to try out." Summer grins, knowing the reaction she'd get. You glance at Poppy in surprise, who looks just as perplexed as you.

"Shut up!" Poppy exclaims.

"Wait, seriously?" Marlon asks.

"Yeah, I'm good now, guys. For real." she says, a huge grin still plastered across her face.

"Summer, you realise today is the finals, right?" Ari confirms, and Summer nods, but looks a little tense.

"No, I know. I applied online for a wildcard spot, sent some clips in," she smiles. "I'm about to go check in with the selectors. Should be fine, they'll love me."

"Under-18s, this is your fifteen minute warning." an announcement rings out over the tannoy system.

"Okay, you guys. This is happening. Good luck everyone!" Wren exclaims excitedly, giving Ari a kiss goodbye.

"You'll have to let us know how you go." Wren clutches Summer's hands in hers, smiling sweetly.

"You haven't changed." Ari says suddenly.

"Haven't I?" she replies, almost smirking.

"Good luck." Ari says, and Summer nods.

"You too." she replies, and he seems unable to take his eyes off her as he strolls past her to dry off.

You hope his inability to stop gazing at her with an animated yet genuine smile is just down to her sudden surprise visit, and not anything else.

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