Chapter 13 - Joys of Drowning

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I was waiting for that moment when I'll wake up and realize I wasn't dying. Sadly, that moment didn't came because I WAS ACTUALLY DROWNING TO DEATH.

I didn't know how to swim. And by the time that mongrel would realize that, I would already be inside my coffin. "Idio-" I tried to scream but it let the water go inside my mouth.

I was feeling the weight of the mass of water. It was everywhere, inside my eyes, nose, ears, mouth. I felt so much pressure on my lungs. I tried flapping my limbs but in vain. I had no energy left as a result of struggling to go above water's surface.

The dark sea green color was scaring the hell out of me.

"You can't swim or what?" he joked.

If I die, I'll haunt him and I'll kill him.

Something tangled around my ankles. It was like sea-grass but the difference was, this thing was tied around my ankle and were pulling me down. I tried to wriggle out of it by shaking my legs but it got tighter and pulled me with double force.

"Claire?" he shouted but his voice seemed he was far, very far.

"Go away or you'll die." someone whispered.

No shit Sherlock.

"Listen to my brother and leave the house." a small girl whispered.

I saw her swimming around me. Kasie? No, damn, she was that mongrel's dead sister.

"Fish, you don't know how to swim!" he shouted.

I wanted to correct him that fishes can swim but I was going deep down in slumber.

I opened my eyes and saw dark cloudy evening sky.

'Am I in heaven?'

"I don't think you'll go to heaven when you die." I heard that mongrel's voice.

His head hovered over me. I tried to shout at him but I coughed. I sprayed out water when I coughed. He gave me his hand to help me sit up but.. I ignored. I sat by myself. I was completely wet. My clothes, my hairs, everything. What a birthday!!

"What a birthday!" he sat down beside me and chuckled "You know what are the joys of drowning? You get saved by a hot guy!"

He winked at me.

And the most shocking thing was I laughed. I let out a belly laugh and he mimicked.

"Happy Birthday." he quietly said.

I shook my head and looked up to the night sky.

"Will." he said and elongated his hand.

I just stared his hand for a few moments. His name was Will! Oh, he was introducing himself.

"'Pleasure' to meet you." I said sarcastically and I shook his hand.

He chuckled out a cute laugh.

"You're a piece, I tell you."

"Well, I'm thankful that I'm in one piece!"

"Sorry for that. I saw you running wildly towards the lake. So being the gentleman I am, I thought to cheer you up."

I just stared at his fake innocent look on his face and shook my head sideways.

"So, come on! React!"

I now looked at him in confusion.

"I know something happened previously." he turned towards me and sat in Indian style, "You have this way of storing in everything. You just don't react. And when you get full, you just burst out and then you can't control yourself."

I still didn't know what he meant by that.

"Look, the first day we met, you overly reacted. I thought you were a crazy chick. But then you rudely sent the owner of the house- me out of the house for being kind and few hours later you come and slam the cake."

I didn't know where this conversation was going.

"I mean, when to get a chance to show your anger to a person other than your family, you pour out everything on them." I wanted to opposed but he simply added "I don't mind."

Wow. I was shocked. This jerk cruel mongrel can be a kind 'William'.

I was trying to form words to throw at him but his behavior tongue tied me.

"You're a psychologist or something?"

He laughed, "I turned 17 few months ago." he was my age "and it doesn't take much to understand humans. They try to hide everything and showcase their perfect side but their fear says it all." he added.

"And what are my fears?"

"You had this fantasy of perfect life and when you learned it was just a fantasy you freaked out and couldn't handle it. Reality scares you."

Alright, hands down- he's right.

"It's okay sometimes to feel the fear. But never let it control you."

"You should be psychologist, really."

"I'll keep this in mind when I get outta here."

"So what are you fears?"

"Losing the ones I love."

And that was the moment when I saw a young Will. His eyes were clouded with hundreds of emotions but the regret and pain was clear. I felt that 'losing' didn't meant dying, it just meant.. losing.

"I hate my family." I said in a clear straight tone.

We both were shocked from my sudden outburst. I bit my lips and wait what to tell next.


"I hate them so much. I hate that I had to made major changes in my life due to their insecurities. They don't understand what I want and what I don't. I feel so alone here."

He nodded as if he understood all my mumbling.

"I also hate my ex. No, that is understatement. I hate him to moon and back. He broke up with me because he felt he couldn't have me anymore. He left me in my worst times. That rascal broke up with him in front of whole damn school and called me a kid!"

I was shouting in the end. He chuckled.

"I think he's a dumb guy to break up with you!"


The picture in the media is of our handsome neighbor, Mongrel - no, Will!

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