Chapter 26 - Saving Him

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"Will!" my eyes snapped opened with this word on my lips.

I sat up and forcefully took deep breaths and sighed when I acknowledged that it was just a dream. Or maybe not.

"Aria?" I said quietly into her ears and nudged her shoulder.

"Yes?" I was surprised she answered; she's a heavy sleeper.

She sat up and rubbed her eyes. I glanced at the clock which showed it was around six in the morning.

"You woke up? I just called out once!"

She hugged her legs, her chin on knees. She looked up and replied, "I couldn't sleep. What happened? You look-"

"I had a dream."

"Bad one?"

I nodded. "I'm worried."



"Will? Why?"

"I saw that guy, he was in my dreams when I was with Will.."

"Claire, what do you-"

"I think Will is in danger. He'll kill him."

"Why do-"

"Or he must have already killed him."

"Claire! Calm down. What do you mean?"

"You were right, Aria. He killed Mark, now he will kill Will."

"What are you thinking?"

"I have to talk to him."


"Will, of course."

"Do you have his number?"


I have to get to him and warn him as soon as possible. He's in danger. He'll kill everyone who's dear to me. No, Will ain't dear but he is innocent, he helped me. What if he flips off when I try to contact him again? I can't call him and tell 'Hey Will. I'm your neighbor. I called you to tell you that I had a dream about you and I think you're going to die.' Nope, Nada, not happening.

But I have to make sure he's okay.

How will I do that? I looked at Aria. She was in a drowsy state, "Aria, I have to make sure he's okay. Will you call him, for me?"

"He doesn't even know me."

"Exactly! We'll call his house, you talk to him.."

"Talk to him? What?"

"Anything! I'll know if he's alright or not."

"But Claire-"


"Ok!" She nodded and then added, "But his number?"

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