~Story 5~

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Having my water break in the grocery store is not what I expected but it is what it is because this baby is not coming out until I say so. I look like I am going to pop with my triplet bump it's massive.

I walk around the store before my shift starts. I reach the dairy section when I feel a gush of warm amniotic fluid run down my leg. The contractions start and get closer but I don't give in, this baby is waiting until tomorrow I have too much stuff to do and giving birth is not one of them.

I waddle my way over to the bathroom to wipe the amniotic fluid off my leg. I enter and waddle over to the paper towel dispensers and grab a handful. I fold the paper towels and bend down. Right as I bend down a painful contraction rattles me and I whimper. That's the most painful contraction I've had so far.

I need some air, I think while walking/waddling to the front to get some fresh air. I feel some powerful kicks from within me. My  contractions are 1 minute apart and hurt like hell. I make it to the front entrance and hide all the pain that I am having. Nobody can know I am in labor.

I breath the cool fall air. It feels nice and calms the pain slightly. I walk out to my car and hip in the driver's seat. Amiotic fluid is still flowing out of me causing my jeans to be soaked. I feel a the first baby making it's way through my canal. The head reaches the end and starts to crown.

I start the engine and squeeze my leg together to prevent the baby coming out any further. I drive to my workplace and grab my work uniform out of the trunk. I feel the baby slide further down causing the head to make a bulge in my pants. I put my hand on its head and slowly slide it back up.

I walk into the bathrooms of the store and slide my clothes off in a stall. I see my bump is swollen and sensitive. I grab some toilet paper and wipe all the fluids exiting from my body off. I make a makeshift pad out of the paper to stop some of the fluids.

I slip on my work pants over my bump. I suck in my bump and put a layer on tape over it tightly to suck it in. Then I slip my shirt over my small bump. The tape makes it so my bump is invisible. A contraction rattles me and I bend down breathing hard. I don't know how long I can put up with this.

I put my name tag on and prepare for a long 5 hours of non-stop contractions. I open the stall and walk to the front. I take my position as a cashier. I turn my light on and people rush to check out. I start scanning the products and I feel like a train hit me. My lungs compress and my vagina opens further.

A few minutes later my baby starts to kick in my canal. I feel the baby sliding down and pushing against my lips. Soon enough the baby starts to crown. I feel the head poking out, slightly grazing my panties.

It is now 3 hours into my shift. The baby is still kicking my canal and crowning. 10 minutes later and labor starts progressing slowly again. The baby slips out further. I slip my hand down to feel a bulge between my legs.

Finally my five hour shift is finished and the babys head is almost fully out. I flip the switch and my cashier light turns off. I slip my hand back down and push the head up so I can walk.

I waddle to the bathroom and go into a stall. I peel off my shirt and put on a loosely fitting shirt with some maternity pants. I waddle back out and go to my car. I open the car door and struggle to get inside. My bump touches the steering wheel.

I start the engine and start to drive home. The baby starts to come out and fast. Not even 2 minutes later the head is almost out. With my pants on the baby and only come out to its head. I feel my baby pushing hard against my tight jeans.

The pain is unbearable. I yell out in pain and start to breathe heavily. I moan though the pain. I feel my vagina opening and burning. My vagina is getting sore and puffy.

I pull into my driveway and open the door. Before I can get out a painful contraction hits me. The pain makes it to where I can't get out of my seat. I slip out of my pants and I start pushing. There is no way I can get in the house with this pain.

The baby's head is now fully out. The shoulders hurt so bad while coming out. Once they emerged, the body just slid right out. The next baby starts to slide out. She caught her one baby which she is now hugging to her chest. The next baby starts crowning.

The contractions intensive and I yell out in pain. The head seems bigger than the last. The baby's head bulges out causing my vagina to rip. It burns and bleeds. With the rip the baby slides out quick.

The last baby starts to make its arrival. I push hard. I tuck my head into my chest and yell. The head moves quickly out along with its body.

#1: Micheal
#2: Silva
#3: Ava

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