~story 6~

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In the morning I feel some light contractions. You know that's so convenient. I have a big meeting today that can get me a promotion. My bump already prevents my skirt and button up to fit. Lucky for me I have to wear that today I have to make it fit.

I walk to my closet to grab my tight clothes. I feel the contractions are getting closer only by one minute. I put on my skirt and dress shirt; I try to get them button and zipped.

I grab my keys and make my way to the door to put on my heels. My bump makes it 10 times harder to bend over to steal my heels. I unlock the door and get into my car.

While I am driving I hit traffic. luckily I left early so I should get to work on time. I feel my contractions racking up and pressure building. I shift in my seat to find a comfortable position.

After an hour or so the traffic finally clears up. I finlly make it to work and head up to the meeting room. Before I open the door I feel my baby kicking in my canal; pushing against my opening.

I take my seat making it to the meeting on time. I prepare my notes and slide show. I feel my baby trying to come out. I push my legs together to prevent the head from coming out. I feel a warm liquid run down my leg.

That's when my contractions become unbearable. I sit in my seat just waiting for it to be my turn so I can give birth in privacy. My vision becomes blurry and my shirt becomes tighter. My bump keeps growing till a button pops off my shirt.

The urge to push is hard to resist. The pain is  intense. I rub my belly to hopefully tell the baby to wait.

Its now my turn to present. I slowly get up and walk to the board with my legs together. I present but my words are not clear. I don't think I can hold it in anymore.

My legs slip apart and the baby crowns. I moan but keep presenting. My coworkers get confused and concerned. I feel the baby come out further and that is my breaking point.

I get on the floor and start pushing. The baby's head rips me and I start bleeding. The baby slides out covered in blood.

-baby- Angelina Gillson

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