~Story 10~

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I took a little camping trip by myself before the twins arrived. I took a tent, blankets, pillows, food, etc. I set up the tent and filled it with blankets and pillows. The only thing that was weird was my bump was really big for twins.

 The only thing that was weird was my bump was really big for twins

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I set up camp which was just a tent with a few coolers. After I put everything into my tent I start getting some cramps, I think nothing of it.

I put on a tight shirt and a loose hoodie. I put on some tight shorts and my hiking boots. I grab a backpack with water and snacks. I decide to go on a hike to a nearby lake.

I walk along the overgrown path, holding my bump. Soon after I make it past the 1 mile mark, I start feeling some light pains. It just feels like Braxton kicks, which I have been getting for the past couple of days.

I start to waddle more when my babies start moving around. My stomach starts to contract. I have to make it to the lake. Labor takes a while I say

I limp as the contractions become more painful. I finally make it to the lake after 9 more miles of suffering. My belly starts to drop as the baby moves lower. I feel a warm gush of water run down my leg.

I start to panic, I am 10 miles from my camp. I feel the babys head crowning but I don't push. I take a look a the lake then start heading back to camp

I press my hand on my vagina as I walk. I make it through mile one and my contactions are 3.2 minutes long and 5 minutes apart.

At mile two I can't make it any longer. The baby's head is already eager to come out. I lean up against a tree and take off my pants. The head slips right out but the shoulders are stuck.

I push but the shoulders don't budge. My vagina isn't wide enough for the shoulders to come out. I reach my hand down to open my vagina. The right shoulder comes out but the other ripes me. The baby slides out and I pick her up.

I slowly get up and start walk again. After the next two miles my contractions are on top of each other. I sit next to a tree and moan in pain as the second head starts to crown. I push and the baby slips out more.

I moan as the head gets stuck. My cervix won't dialate all the way. I pull the head out to where it can come out. I scream as the body rips my vagina. The baby slides out and I pick up her sister.

I am relieved to be done with birth. As I am walking back with my twins I feel the urge to push again. I keep walking think that it's just after labor pressure.

As I make it to 7 miles and I feel another baby coming out. I though I was done but I guess not. I take of my shorts and sit down. I put my legs up against a tree and start pushing. The baby's head comes out but the shoulders get stuck.

I put my hands at my opening and slowly help the shoulders out. I scream as they finally exit. My baby slides out and I am finally done. Or so I thought. I feel another baby resting against my opening. I push but this one gets really stuck.

I push and moan for 2 hours. The head finally crowns just a little. I put my hands on the baby's head and pull a little. The baby moves as it's coming out. The shoulders are the next to get stuck. I stick my fingers in my vagina and slowly get the shoulders out.

I feel a relief as the baby finally comes out. I am so happy to be done. I make it back to camp and put the babies to sleep. I go to sleep right next to them.

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