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hi sid.

hi? is everything
okay? is arsh okay????

yes, everything
is okay.

Arsh is fine?
he's not sick or anything?

re YOU okay??????

Sid, arsh and i,
are totally fine!!

okay! just making sure!

i was actually
messaging you
because i talked
to abhi and he told
me your side of the story..
i guess i realized that
i didn't give you
time ever to explain
what went down on your
side, and even though
what you did was still wrong,
and i don't know
if i can forgive it,
i want to hear it.

thank you!!
thank you so much
for giving me the
time to explain!!!

i'm not trying to
get your hopes up though..

i know.
do you still love me?
do you hate me?
do you miss me?
i miss you everyday.

Yes. No. Yes.
can you explain???

i will admit at the
beginning  of our friendship
and encounters,
i was only doing it
because of the
contract my team
gave me the contract
was only supposed
to last 5 months.
i would get more
famous and so will you,
it was a win - win for
both of us, or
that is what i used to think.

we didn't start dating
like 7 months after
knowing each other,
so basically it was
not part of the contract.

the agency threatened
to drop me because i
broke the contract
rules and the expectations
the publishing team
had for me. i wasn't
supposed to
fall in love with you.
but i did. and hard.

Avni, i swear,
i regret not telling you,
my agency said it was
for the best so i
believed i was doing
the right thing.
little did i know.
i only ask you to be
my girlfriend after
the contract had
ended because i
wanted it to
mean something.
i don't care if the
agency drops me,
we have a baby
boy now, we have
a family now.
we are family now.
i don't care if i
lose all my fame
and money,
its just materialistic things,
i want our little family.
waking up without
you or arsh by my
side this past 5 months
have been horrible.
please forgive me,
i am so sorry for not
telling you and for breaking your trust. i thought
i was protecting you.
i didn't want to lose you.
i'm sorry baby.

i just need a few
days to clear
my mind. i heard your side now.

take all the
time you want,
just come back
to me baby.
i love you forever and always.

Read 3:05 AM.

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