Showing some progress

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Not much would be seen here, just some show of progress on certain art works.

And if I get lucky today, I may be able to access the digital tools again and believe me when I say this:

I will go on a complete DRAWING spree the moment I get my hands on procreate

I will go on a complete DRAWING spree the moment I get my hands on procreate

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Here is the base/plan out for the cover of Dishonest.
A future entry for the Dishonest contest hosted by: AnaWritesRandom

As this page has stated already, I have wanted to show you some of the progress to let you know that I am indeed working on it. I just need to converge it digitally now, not sure how long that'll take but I'll be sure to try my best in doing so.

 I just need to converge it digitally now, not sure how long that'll take but I'll be sure to try my best in doing so

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Ahaha, I now know how to draw guns from memory. But drawing traditionally still kind of sucks honestly- I've spent about three or four hours on this whole drawing. Was it worth it? I'm not sure. But I'm glad I at least tried.

 But I'm glad I at least tried

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So...I've been listening to the song "Mr. Gunman" on repeat. I just love the song so much :')
And partially because this song reminded me of C!Socks for obvious reasons. I mean, for a very brief explanation, it's self explanatory: he's wielding a gun
(But also because the song is fitting for him in a way too)

Aside the song, for some reason I also always forget that Socks is left handed. I nearly drawn him holding the gun with his right hand again. Now that is something I gotta keep in mind from now on :'|
But I'm definitely going to have to redraw this digitally soon too, the shading doesn't really stand out traditionally on this after all.

And that's about it.
Schools been taking a huge chunks of time as usual so I barely managed to get a chance to draw. But for the DTIYS contests, I'll definitely be sure to work on them one at a time soon too. I just...may need some extensions is all.

Anyways, have a wonderful day or night everyone, goodbye.

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