Early birthday gift for Ace + Many, many other random things

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I just realized that I may or may not be too active as usual in the up coming week due to my family members coming in to celebrate the Holidays.
So, have some early art in case I won't be able to finish any of the art and take the time to post it here on time.

Firstly, let's say an early birthday to...

Acewritesstuffiguess Happy early birthday, I'm not too sure how much time I got on December the 19th so here is something for your birthday to celebrate it :)

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Happy early birthday, I'm not too sure how much time I got on December the 19th so here is something for your birthday to celebrate it :)

Thank you for always being such a wonderful and creative person Ace, your creativity really goes beyond space! ( I know that for a fact due to your doodles if you know what I mean haha-)

I know this is three days early but whenever your birthday comes, I do hope you'll enjoy it!

Oh and something else along with your birthday gift as well:

Stratus belongs to AceH!Gradient belongs to Addie ( TheAddieDragon )

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Stratus belongs to Ace
H!Gradient belongs to Addie ( TheAddieDragon )

I very rarely ever draw types of art like this but you know what? This is an exception. On the plus side, these two get along quite well, nothing weird has happened there.

So have a Stradient art :)

And now for the other random things:

And now for the other random things:

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