Y/N's backstory

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Y/N's pov:

My name is Y/N L/N, I am the Witch Princess of Fairytale Island. At the age of 13, my father, the King, started me on training to both fight and learn magic. Luckily for me, my father encouraged both me and my brother to fight whether I was a princess or not. My Mother died of natural causes when I turned 3, so I never got to know what she was like. My father says that I remind him of her all the time.

It was like Merida with her bow or Mulan in the war or even Princess Leia and Princess Shuri... (Am I allowed to mention them?)Whatever... What I'm saying is that my life isn't a full princess life. And I'm thankful for that.

After years of training, I am both a warrior and a fully skilled witch, ready to fight with my kingdom and any kingdom in peril.

When my brother was 19 and I was 17, my father passed away, and since B/N (brother's name, just make one up) was of age to sit on the Throne, his coronation was only two weeks later. I will always miss my father but I know B/N will do a fantastic job running our kingdom.

For me, once I turned 18 I felt like I needed more in my life, an adventure. So one day I walked up to B/N and told him that I was leaving the palace and off to find that adventure. He was sad at first but when he realised this was what I was I wanted, he was happy.

I've been helping my best friend Snow White with trying to find her father. I've known her since childhood and when she came to me for help, I gladly accepted. I would do anything to keep her happy.

Now that you're caught up, let's start with the story, the story of how I met him...


Author's note: Y/N doesn't have a wand she has magic inside of her

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