Late night talks

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Y/N's pov:

It was late at night and Merlin had invited me to sit with him in the bunny area of the cabin. Everyone had already gone to bed after dinner since they were tired from the fight.

We were laughing as we recalled some of the funny moments from the fight. "The look on his big ugly face when bunny came running at him." He laughed. I giggled as well. I was starting to notice something with him, it was the way he talks about someone.

"That's how you see everything? Isn't it?" I asked him. "With my eyes?" He replied. I giggled again at his answer. "You always talk about what someone looks like."

He looked at me confused, "I do? I wouldn't say that. But I can't wait for you to see the real me." This sparked an interest inside of me. "What kind of Merlin is the real you?" I asked him, could it have something to do with his body changing sometimes?

"You might not believe it but the real me is famous, handsome and even popular! Not short and stumpy and green." He told me, his face looking sad as he said the last bit. "Yeah you're short, stumpy and green but you're also a wonderful and charming person."

It made me a little sad that he wasn't happy with the way he looked, like he was ashamed of it. The 'famous, handsome and even popular' bit did sort of add to the body-changing thing. "I'm not explaining it right, if you saw the real me, you'd know exactly what I mean."

I tried to explain to him again what I meant before but in a different way. "I think I can see the real you. And I like you, just as you are." He looked at me, his mouth agape and then lightly chuckled, "Haha, that's hilarious. Here, close your eyes, and imagine the real me. I guarantee you it'll be different."

I obliged and closed my eyes. Something did feel different. Like, I felt a different presence next to me, a taller presence... "I do feel something different." "Really?" I heard him. "But eyes opened or closed. To me, you're still Merlin."

I really need to figure out these feelings, maybe if I try this, "Tell me, who am I to you?" My eyes were still closed as I heard his answer. "You're a gift. A gift that'll transform me into someone amazing. Just like you're amazing."

Oh god, here comes the butterflies. I could the heat spread across my face as I smiled at his words. Okay...maybe I do feel something for him. But you know those could've been friendly words. Yeah... friendly...

I opened my eyes and looked back at Merlin to see that his face was closer than it was before. He quickly pulled back and started whistling.

We stayed in silence for a bit, stealing glances at each other every now and then. Merlin started to speak again, "Hey, do you think I deserve to see another trick again?"

I looked back at him and smiled softly, "Yes I do."  I started to think of what to do. My face lit up as something came to my mind. Re-adjusting myself, I motioned Merlin to come closer. "Right, so before I do this, I should warn you that it hasn't been long since I've learnt this, so I might mess up a bit."

He gave me a nod and I placed my hands outwards, my palms facing down, this particular spell could only be done with the witch's or wizard's fingers. I started to move my fingers in the specific directions as my old books said. Once I knew the spell was ready, I began to think of something to complement it. 'Got it!'

A dark blue mist came from my fingertips, pushing my thought into the spell, the mist started to take another form. It was a miniature version of the fight, it showed different bits of it from Long Ears having his fighting moment to the house falling.

"Oh my god! Y/N this is amazing. Wow, everything is so detailed too, the movements, everything. No wonder it took you a while to master, this seems really complicated to do!" He said, his face reminded me of an eager child on Christmas morning.

I blushed at the praise he was giving me, "U-Uh thank you." I said, my voice stuttering, 'Pull it together Y/N!' He laughed as he saw the bit where I punched and kicked Avourage. "How do you know each other?" He asked me.

"Huh?-Oh." I said as saw that I had lost concentration, making the mist disappear. "How do you and Average know each other? You said that he hasn't changed since you last saw him."

I dramatically groaned as I threw my head back, "Oh right, god what a night that was." I said the last bit quietly. "Why what happened?"

After explaining how my father had chosen him as a suitor for when it came for me to marry, he invited him to dinner as a way to see if he was perfect for me. We finally found out what type of person he was when Father had the guards physically throw him out after insulting our entire kingdom.

"No way?! That's hilarious! How come no one knows about this?" He asked between laughs. It was funny if you heard the whole story, "You should've been there, my brother and I were dying the whole night! And even though he insulted the ENTIRE of our kingdom, father thought that it was rude to expose him like this."

He gave me an 'Are you kidding me?!' look "Seriously?" "Yep, father was a nobleman. That was when he gave up on trying to find me a husband and left it up to me to decide."

After a minute or two of laughing, we calmed down and he spoke, "Well I'm sure you'll choose someone better than him."

"We all do."

That was what the rest of the night consisted of. We tell each other stories about our lives and laugh at them.


Merlin's pov:

Something hitting the back of my head was what brought me out of my sleep. I looked at my surroundings and saw that was still sitting in the cabin. I don't even remember falling asleep.

I looked behind me and saw Long Ears giving me his usual look, it must've been him that had hit me, "What was that for?" I asked him, annoyed. He pointed next to me. Turning back around I saw Y/N resting her head on my shoulder, asleep.

A smile was brought onto my face. She looks cute like this and relaxed as well. Seeing as I was now human, I carefully wrapped my arm around her, attempting to keep her warm, and I placed my head gently on top of hers.

As much as I loved everything that was happening at this moment, she couldn't sleep like this. It'll be uncomfortable for her. "Let's hope you're not a light sleeper princess." I whisper. It would be embarrassing if she woke up and I'd turn back into a dwarf. I kept my arm wrapped around her and placed the other one under her legs.

I picked her up bridal style and stood up slowly. Her head was now resting above my chest, I could see now that she had a faint smile on her face. Adorable.

After closing the cabin door with my foot I walked in the house, trying to be quiet so I don't wake anyone up. I reached the spare room that Y/N and Red were staying in and managed to open the door.

I saw Red Shoes sleeping in one bed so I went over to the one on the other side of the room. I placed her down so gently you'd think the slightest touch would smash her to bits. I covered her with the blanket and began to walk out of the room.

Once I reached the door, I looked back at the sleeping girl, her smile was still there. "Goodnight, Y/N." And I finally closed the door.

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