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Third pov:

After getting back from the mission, Merlin was outside harvesting the crops, which mostly consisted of carrots. He got on one knee and looked at the sky. He closed his eyes as he was thinking about something or, more specifically, someone. Red Shoes.

He opened his eyes again to see a familiar face fade into the blue sky. It wasn't Red Shoes, instead, it was the other princess who was staying with F Seven. Y/N. The boy was now confused, with himself and his feelings. He couldn't understand who he was drawn to more.

The image in the sky had started to lean forward, as did the wizard, his eyes once again closed, thinking he was gonna kiss her. But due to this, he didn't notice that his dwarf form had taken over as someone had hit him in the head with a carrot.

"Ow!" He exclaimed as he turned to see who had thrown it at him.

"What was that for?" He questioned Arthur. "You sir, are sabotaging my relationship with Red Shoes." His friend accused. "What relationship are you talking about?" He questioned again.

His friend slash companion had put both fists on his hips as he said, "Red Shoes and I share a secret. I would tell you what it is. But it's a secret. Plus, you have Y/N, she seems fit for you anyway. You know, with the whole magic stuff."

"While you're busy keeping secrets. I'm going to break my curse. And what are you talking about, Y/N is just a friend who I find very interesting." Merlin taunted and denied. Although, he wasn't very sure about the 'just a friend' thing.

"You're nothing without your spells magic boy. And don't try and deny it, you've spent more time with her than any of us have." Arthur also taunted. Merlin decided to ignore the last part as he continued to bicker with his friend.

"And you're nothing without Excalibur." He gasped as he realised something. "You're not waiting for someone to pull it out for you, are you?" He jokingly asked.

But Arthur took it seriously, "How did you know?!" He asked grabbing the other dwarf's collar. "Is it true?!"

They were both suddenly caught in a net.


Y/N's pov:

Me and Snow sat in the dwarf's dining room as Hans wanted to bake us something. He came out of the kitchen and placed a plate full of doughnuts on the table in front of us. "Hans, you shouldn't have!" Snow said as she stared at the treats.

"These look amazing! And very well-presented too!" I complimented. "Something sweet for two people even sweeter." He told us. The little charmer! We both grabbed one take a bite and our tastebuds were met with delight.

I saw Hans's face light up as he watched us enjoy his food. "This is spectacular." Snow told him. "Yeah, where were you during my food classes?" I laughed. "Oh, it's nothing. Just let me know what you want. Anytime, for the rest of your life. Do you like fondue?"

Okay, that was a bit weird, but I'll ignore it since he made us food. "Behold! Carved by the finest jewellers out of all the jewellers I know. Which is a lot." We heard Jack's voice as he came down the stairs and towards the table. He presented two blue boxes to Snow and me and opened them, revealing two rings with big diamonds on them.

Wow, those are very bright diamonds. "Pretty." Snow said as she carried on eating the doughnuts. "And they are yours. Miss Shoes and Miss L/N. Yours in exchange for nothing." He offered. He then coughed. "That's really sweet Jack but we can't accept it." She declined. "We don't want your jewels. Just your good intentions." I added on.

"My intentions are more than good, they're super bonne." A loud voice caught our attention. "Testing. One two. Testing one- No I'm pushing it you dolt!" We looked around, "Do you have a ghost or something?" I asked jokingly. Hold on, that voice sounds strangely familiar.

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