Welcome to Dangan Island! Panic at the Heart-throbbing School Trip!? - 1

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"U-Um... Can you hear me...?"


"A-At least you're still breathing..."


"Oh... What if he doesn't wake up...? E-Everyone's going to hate me...!"

Where...? What...? Who...?

You slowly opened one eye, and you saw the shy girl. She was looking down at you with a worried look. Once she noticed your opened eye, she gasped.

"O-Oh... you're awake...!"

The beach... the sea... that girl...

So, it wasn't a dream after all... What happened before... was real...

It's all slowly coming back... this bizarre situation...

"Um... A-Are you feeling okay...?"

She gave you a worried look. It might be best to say something.

Okay... just breathe, Y/N... Just ignore the overly complicated impossible situation and focus on what's in front of you for now.

You close your eyes and let out a deep breath before opening them again.

"Wh-What... happened?"

"Y-You... had a panic attack and hyperventilated... j-just keep laying down and t-take a breather... don't try to r-rush yourself up or anything..."

Okay... just stay calm... stay calm... Focus on what's in front of you... If I can't comprehend this situation... then maybe it's best if I ignore it for now. Don't want to pass out again...

Ah, geez... I revealed my lack of cool in front of everyone like that...

"Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as I've witnessed before..." she continued. "You didn't completely stop breathing, so no CPR was needed... A-All I needed to do was lift your l-legs above your heart level to a-aid the blood flow back to your brain, and I also loosened your collar..."

You nodded and slowly stood up. You now realize that only you and her were on the beach.

"Wh-Where did... everyone else go...?"

"U-Um... after you passed out, we all introduced ourselves and everyone left to explore the island..."

"But you stayed..."

"Uwah...! I-I'm sorry...! I know I'm repulsive...!"


Where did she even get that idea from!?

"No, that's not it at all... just wanted to know why..."

"O-Oh...! S-Someone needed to stay and watch over you... A-And as a nurse, of course, I offered to stay... in case things got worse for you..."

"Oh, you're a nurse?"

That... explains a lot of her actions.

"Y-Yes...! My name is Mikan Tsumiki... Um... from the bottom of my heart... I hope we can get along..."


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