Welcome to Dangan Island! Panic at the Heart-throbbing School Trip!? - END

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AN: Once again, if you notice any grammatical errors or misspellings or anything like that, please do point it out!

Upon arriving at the beach, you noticed that everyone else had arrived. Everyone was talking amongst themselves, and Byakuya soon walked up to you three.

"You three, what took you so long? I thought the only thing you skinny types were good for is your movement."

"Hehe, we went as fast as we could..." Nagito replied with a nervous smile. "Sorry to keep you all waiting."

"Well, to be fair... us three were on the other island, so of course we'd be last." you pointed out.

"Hm, I suppose you have a point. I guess it's alright." Byakuya admitted with an understanding look before continuing. "More importantly, this is our chance to talk between ourselves before that rabbit returns."

"Kyahahaha, yay! Let's talk!" Hiyoko giggled while throwing her arms in the air.

"What're we going to talk about exactly?" you asked Byakuya, focusing your attention on him. "About what we all found on the island?"

"Precisely," he confirmed with a smug grin before turning his gaze toward the others. "But before we go into all of that, I would like to hear everyone's initial impressions of this island first."

Our initial impressions?

"Well... despite the weird stuff that I still cannot wrap my head around... this island feels rather... exotic?" you answered. "The weather is nice, the air feels good, and the island overall looks great. Just... wish we were here under more... circumstances that actually make sense."

"Kyahahaha! Don't go passing out again, you wuss!" Hiyoko teased with a shit-eating grin. "Oh, yeah. There's a biiiiiiiig ranch! I killed lots and lots of Mr. Ants there!"

"On a more serious note, I happened to notice numerous blocked off bridges on the central island..." Peko commented with a more serious look.

I noticed those too when Mikan was leading me to the middle of that island, but I didn't question it...

"Oh, oh, oh! Ibuki knows why!" Ibuki yelled while waving her hand in the air like a student who desperately wanted to answer a question the teacher asked. "Those are there so everybody doesn't get lost! I tried crossing one of them, but that rabbit showed and told me, so I'm 100% right!"

"So we don't get lost...?" Peko gave Ibuki an odd, confused look. "Is this island really so big...?"

"But I mean, if you look at it in depth, it's just a normal island, right?" Kazuichi rhetorically asked as he placed his hands behind his head and flashed a huge grin. "A beach, some palm trees, a beautiful ocean, it even has a resort and everything!"

He looked up at one of the palm trees and gasped.

"Look! These are even growing coconuts! Oh man, I can go for some fresh coconut juice right now!"

Seriously... I wish I could be as carefree as him...

"U-Um... if I may speak... there's also a large supermarket, too..." Mikan added with a quiet tone. "It looks like it stocks everything from food to living amenities..."

"The island really is beautiful..." Mahiru sighed happily and grabbed her camera with a smile. "I already took some great photos so far!" she let her camera drop before putting on a more serious look. "And the hotel was pretty nice, too. It'd be great if we could stay there."

"The restaurant inside the hotel is truly magnificent!" Sonia's eyes sparkled as she put her hands together. "It was very nice to see all of the foods that catered to a more... plebeian taste."

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