Destination Despair - 2

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The sky grew dark as you (and the people you were with) made it to Jabberwock Island. The days on this island seem to progress significantly faster for reasons unknown...

Anyway, it seems like you were one of the last people to arrive, seeing as everyone was already there, either standing around or talking amongst themselves.

You did notice that there was a stage in front of that weird countdown.

That... wasn't there before... What's he got planned now?

"Huh... a stage...?" Hajime asked, however, it seemed like he was asking himself.

"What does he have planned now?" Peko wondered aloud with a serious look.

"Nothing good!" Kazuichi cried as he covered his face with his beanie. "Nothing ever good comes from him..."

Byakuya walks up to the small group with a condensing look. "You're all late. Lost your nerve?"

"Y-Yes!" Kazuichi quickly replied from under his beanie.

Well... he isn't exactly wrong...

"Well, whatever. It seems everyone has arrived."

"L-Let's just get this over with...!" Kazuichi complained once again.

"Tch, if you're gonna keep acting like a pussy, you shouldn't have come." Fuyuhiko insulted, annoyed at the mechanic's constant whining.

"I didn't want to! But... I don't know what will happen if I don't come..."

"Heh, well why don't you make yourself useful and test that out for us?"

"Hey! You may talk and act tough, wiseguy, but you're here too!" Mahiru scolded him with her hands on her hips. "If you weren't scared, you wouldn't be here, now would you?"


"I guess a big bad yakuza like you is scared of that monster, huh? If you're so tough, why don't you go test it out?"

"What the fuck did you say, bitch?" Fuyuhiko spat as he walked closer to her with a clenched fist. "Wanna say that my face!?"

"Oh, look how manly you are! You're gonna hit a girl?"

"S-Stop it, you two!" Nagito shouted as he got between them. "Fighting among friends isn't good!"

"I like the redhead! She has some backbone!" Hiyoko giggled.

"C'mon, Mahiru... Just walk away.
It isn't worth it." you said as you gently put a hand on her shoulder and led her away.

"Hey, who the fuck are you calling friend, huh!?" Fuyuhiko spat as he focused his attention on Nagito and pushed him back. "I'm not friends with any of you dumbasses! Who decided that!?"

"N-Now, now, Fuyuhiko..." Nagito defensively put up his hands.

"Hmph, let me be perfectly clear..." he whispered before looking up with a smile. "I can do it, ya know."

"Huh...?" Teruteru sweat-dropped.

"Wh-What did you just say...?" Mahiru spoke from behind you.

Even that comment fazed Mahiru, who had been so headstrong toward him only a moment ago.

I mean, who wouldn't be phased by that? Especially if the Ultimate Yakuza is the one saying it...

Even if he was all bark and no bite, for someone to say something like that during a killing game is frightening...

"Oh? You didn't hear me? Wanna get closer so you can hear me better? I said... I can do it."

"Fuyuhiko... just calm down, okay...?" Hajime tried reasoning with him.

Ultimate Marksman (Goodbye Despair Rewrite x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now