Your situationship with König

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"Then what'd you come here for?" Königs fingers gripped your thigh pulling it over his waist.

"To lay up with me?" His hand dragged up the back of your sweats tugging on the band attempting to pull them down.

"I just missed you." You voice in almost a whisper against his neck breathing in his scent. The soft push blankets bunched under you.

Your lips come in contact with his skin sucking gently, awarding you with a low groan. Your knee  rubbing against his length feeling it grow.

He pulled himself on top of you. His palms sinking into the mattress with his wide frame forcing your thighs apart.

His lips tugging yours slowly, almost to slow. You weren't here for romance, to be fucked slow. You attempted to quicken the kiss.

Only for his fingers to grip the sides of your jaw. "No." He locked his icy blue eyes on yours, his breath hot against your lips.

He leaned in again, wrapping his lips with yours. Tugging them slowly, licking your lips until you allowed his tongue to enter.

He rested his weight on you, sinking you into the bedding. His hand sliding up the nape of your neck taking a hand full of your curls, feeling the kiss.

"What—." Your question interrupted by his fingers gliding through your folds. It was to intimate, to loving, the way he held you closer than normal.

The fact your heart had an apartment in your pussy didn't make it any better. You felt his thick fingers slid into you curling gently.

You close your eyes, a quiet moan escaping your lips. "I hate seeing your eyes on other men."  
Your eyes shot open looking up at him in confusion.

It was him that wanted sex only. It was also him that told you he didn't have time for messy feelings. He had men to lead.

"Isn't this what you wanted?" It was exactly what he wanted but after a couple months, thoughts of you slowly creeped in.

Jealousy poisoned him anytime he seen you give your smile to someone else. "Forget it." He rolled off of you pressing his back back into the bed.

"I'm gonna go." You slide to the edge of the bed sitting there briefly. "See you tomorrow?" You ask only giving a slight view of your face.

"Not likely.. I have things to do." His answer making you turn all the way to face him. "Of course you do." Your heart began to race suddenly.

"Forget I said anything." Waved his hand at you almost in a dismissing manner. "Got cha." His eyes remained on you.

Watching you leave, the door closing as he turned his face to the ceiling. You were so hard for him to read.

Not a lick like other women he's been with. The thought of you filling another man's bed made his chest fill with rage.

He palmed his length trying to stroke the stress of you out of his system. He closed his eyes constantly pushing the image of you out of his mind.

But the moment your face appeared he released, his hips jerking as if you were on top of him. "Tsk." He exhaled deeply. His hand flopping on the bed next to him.

He rolled out of bed wiping the fluid that he thought would erase you out of his mind off of him. It only made it worse, made him crave you more.

He wasn't sure when it started, when he began to feel this way about you. He dressed quickly walking out his quarters in search for you.

His low blue eyes scanned the hall for you, checking every room until he found you on the other side of the base.

König stilled seeing a solider leaning against the wall over you. Watching you laugh as if at a comedy club. He rolled his eyes looking to the side.

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