Mom and Dad

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Avantika's POV

"Avanti beta (child), come on, get up now. I have made some delicious theplas.", mom urged me to wake up, bribing me with those theplas, but I was far gone into the relaxed mode, my head on dad's lap, and mom gently caressing my fingers, slightly massaging them.

(Thepla is a soft Indian flatbread typical of Gujarati cuisine)

After our intense conversation two days prior, things had only gotten increasingly good in between us. We would speak - conversations other than the bitter period of the past. We had started speaking on random things and enjoying them, just like how we would prior to that day. Anything under the sun, everything we felt like. It had just been two days, but the clouds of uncertainty in between us had started lifting with a welcoming pace.

See, that was the thing right - those two really crucial questions. Though they did not posses the power to alleviate those wounds of the past, they certainly proved to be enough in calming my mental turmoil. The hope which I had in my mind, about Abhiram, about the situation, it was strengthened, and I couldn't be more glad.

Today, I had a holiday, and so did Aaru. Now, being the owner of the firm, no day is actually a holiday for Abhiram, but he had planned a leave for today. But we never know what goes on in the minds of clients. He was gone to Junagadh. The MLA of that region was planning to get his home remodeled, and thanks to the ever-rising popularity of our firm these days, he had contacted Abhiram.

And off he went, to get that work done, but not before cajoling Aaru and I about cancelling the family day out which we had planned. We let him go, family time was important, the most important, but work was too. And the both of us respected the work which came our way.

Aaru had pouted looking at me after his dadda was gone, and seeing his pout I decided to play along - pouting in return. That's when my little boy suggested to visit his nanu and nani's home. Yes, he loved both sets of his grandparents alike, but the real reason behind visiting mom and dad was his new best friend Chiku.

Well, Chiku was a boisterous little husky pup which mom and dad's neighbours, Dr. Patel and her husband had adopted. I would say adopted because, that poor pup was found abandoned near a dumpster and they found him there whimpering in pain. I seriously cannot fathom the cruelty of some humans in doing this with those poor pets. Now, considering that husky isn't a native breed, someone must have gotten him, and then abandoned him in such a cruel manner. Poor Chiku. No worries, he now had a wonderful home.

 No worries, he now had a wonderful home

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(This is Chiku. The image belongs to the rightful owner)

So coming back to Aaru's friendship with him - the two were equally mischievous and would play and run endlessly in Patels' backyard. Even now, he was there, and we let him be, Chiku was the most friendly and wonderful pup, and Mr. Patel worked from home, so he had his attention on my little boy and the pup.

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