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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (22)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (22)
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  It seems that I will find opportunities to take in more dogs in the future.

  "Let's go! Xia Tian, ​​go back and eat!"

  "Woof woof woof!"

  Han Qingxia took Xia Tian back to his fully upgraded air-raid shelter.

  After the two had a big meal, Han Qingxia started surfing the Internet.

  It is the third day of the end of the world.

  There is still a network.

  After the zombie outbreak, the city's water supply was quickly affected. Countless zombie corpses floated on the large purification pool of the water plant, and the water source was infected immediately.

  Electricity, on the other hand, needs to last longer.

  Some relatively small cities have imperfect power supply systems. After the zombie crisis broke out, they immediately said they were gone. A perfect power supply system can last for one to six months.

  Han Qingxia remembered that City A had electricity for three months in his previous life.

  After the power went out, the network went out.

  Of course, in the later stages, no one was online at all.

  Those who survived in the early stage still had some supplies, including water and food. They hid at home and didn't know what to do except surf the Internet.

  A week later, my family started to run out of water and food, so I was still in the mood to surf the Internet!

  "Help! I'm trapped in my bedroom. My parents are banging on my door! I haven't eaten for three days! I've finished the last bottle of Coke, please help me!"

  "Do you know the owner of A-101 in Shengshi Garden Community! My girlfriend has been out of touch for three days! I really want to know how she is doing now!"

  "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! I've finished the last bit of water at home, and I still have some snacks, but the water is gone. What should I do without water!"

  "Didn't you say there is rescue? Why have I been waiting for three days! There is no rescue yet!"

  "On the third day of recording the apocalypse, there were howls everywhere in the corridor, and the refrigerator was almost empty. My dad asked me to go out to find food for my brother and sister. He said I wouldn't go, so he threw me out. I was like this The older ones have to contribute to the family, they are older and younger, everyone wishes me good luck! Come on, Qingqing!"

  Han Qingxia looked at the overwhelming number of posts and noticed a record posted by a girl named 'Longing for Forever Sunny'.

  She opened the homepage of the record she posted.

  She had been sharing her life before the end of the world. Han Qingxia noticed that her mother died young, her father married later, and her stepmother gave birth to a younger brother and younger sister not long after.

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