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There would not be much time to rest, this was a truth that Athena had already accepted when she understood that through a deity she ended up in another world, a world that should only exist in fiction. Despite knowing that time was really too short, Athena wanted at least two or three days to be able to really rest and absorb a little of all this reality, all this madness. Her new room was much more than she could ask for, it was great for someone who didn't have any important position or many gold reserves.

The new room was so luxurious and possibly larger than the other rooms in the castle, a very kind courtesy from Daenerys Targaryen.

"It was noticeable in your eyes many hidden things, many unpronoted truths, but I saw no evil in you!" A male voice spoke as he slowly entered Athena's quarters, the voice belonged to the queen's most loyal guard, Grey Worm "You didn't seem to be a threat, but I'm still cautious"

"Ah! It's just you! Don't get me wrong, but I'm still not mentally prepared to deal with conspiracies, I need at least one day of rest" Athena replied as she undoed her hair braids and watched his movement through the mirror "What brings you here must be something important, you don't like to leave Daenerys, who is your queen and Missandei... the woman you love... alone"

"How do you know about mine.."

"Your love? I know if many things" Athena laughed when covering her mouth with her hand "I'm curious to know your reasons for coming here alone because I don't think any of them know about your visit"

"Who are the possible traitors who surround the queen? I may not do anything to end these people, but I need to know this information to keep the queen safe. You wouldn't come here if you didn't want the same!" He said getting straight to the point.

"You know you won't be able to do much, do you?" Athena asked "even if I tell you the name of each of these people, they will not commit treason yet, but eventually they will commit and it will be an announced disaster"

"The names, please Miss Athena"

"Tyrion Lannister, Varys, Bran Stark and Jon Snow" She said releasing the last tape that held a braid in her hair "For now we need to be careful, when we get to Westeros, you should check every meal, in case some twists happen, it is quite possible that they try to kill Daenerys poisoned."

"Is that serious?"

"Very serious, many will go to the limits to arouse her fury and the story has already narrated that an angry Targaryen is not a good thing, especially if she controls three adult dragons," Athena replied.

Athena was thoughtful about this meeting, she knew that he had come to her to protect the queen and knew very well that he did not leave her side without authorization. Daenerys wanted to find out things indirectly so as not to set an alarm in the heads of people who would become a new target, the woman was an expert. She was going against what she had promised herself, a lot of information said at the wrong time could generate unnecessary chaos.

"You're not discreet at all" Athena completed by removing her cloak and putting it on top of the dressing table "Tell Daenerys that I sent a hug and that next time she will come and ask things directly to me"

"Understood" He replied by swallowing dry, soon after leaving the room where Athena was staying.

Athena laughed, she laughed as if there wasn't a tomorrow after this somewhat funny conversation. Daenerys was as discreet as a door, certainly at the first opportunity the priestess would comment on the subtlety of the dragon queen in some cases, it seemed fun to provoke the woman. At least she knew that the queen despite her status knew how to be humble and reciprocate the jokes when done at the appropriate time.

She thanked that there were clothes in this room, she didn't know who they were from but they were certainly there to be worn, they were simple but they were of good size. Athena just wanted to take a shower in the bathtub and have a quiet night's sleep, really sleep and rest.

"Hello Athena"

This time the voice was feminine and unknown, and the voice came from the direction of the balcony.


"You're smart" The woman commented watching Athena who had thrown herself on the bed, covering her face with a pillow "sorry for taking me so long to come to you, as something new in this world, I needed a few hours to reestablish myself without totally disturbing the balance of this world"

"I think the balance has already been disturbed" Athena countered with a tired sigh "I've already interfered in several things, if this will give something good or bad, only fate knows. We are like two new pieces that were not foreseen on this giant board, and the old players will not be happy"

"I came to you because I needed to give you something very important" Hitad said taking the pillow off her face "two things actually" she said when giving a pendant with the symbol of a white deer "my symbol that symbolizes my protection and the gift of healing" the woman said putting a small dark sphere in Athena's heart "Use this gift to harm innocent people and I'll rip your head off myself"

"What did you do?!"

"I gave you the gift of healing magic, but you can't use the magic for a long time in a row, it will wear out your vital energy and this is a little more complicated to replace" Hitad replied "you can use this to speed up the healing process or repair damage that normal medicine can't"

"How will I contact you when I need your guidance? You are the only person who will be able to help me or guide me in some cases, I would like to have a means of contact"

"Do what other people do, pray, call my name and I will listen to you and the whisper of those who follow me" The entity replied "you still don't believe me, I know, it will take time and I understand it, but let's find a way together"

Athena was going to pray, she didn't know when, but she would surely pray. She knows she will need protection in this world, she would need all the help that was possible and whether she wanted it or not, she and Hitad were the same person in this world, a face of the same coin, a divinity and a human coming from the same world. It was amazing and scary how much things had changed, she was afraid of what the future had in store.

"See you soon Athena"

〘 ——✯——〙


I know it's been a long time since the last update, I haven't forgotten this story. I had a lot of things to do and I got sick too, but now I'm fine.

I hope you understand all this.

I hope I can fit the schedule I created myself lol.

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