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The Stark entourage had arrived in the city, more than twenty-two days late, without any kind of warning or justification for such a delay, which displeased the queen, displeased the royal court and made Athena roll on the floor with so much laughter. The lords and counselors really wanted to scold the priestess when she began to laugh when the only news that came was that they would delay a little more, the sarcastic tone of Athena was clearly a mockery of all those who were present. They wanted to remove her definitively from the council but the big question was: how are you going to punish someone who was not wrong?

"If you're upset clap your hands" Anthena hummed while sitting on one of the sofas scattered around the boardroom "if you're upset because you wasted time, clap your hands" she hummed clapping her hands happily.

All the logistics they had prepared for the displacement of resource troops to Dragon Stone no longer existed, because almost a month of delay compromised a lot and had given many advantages to Cersei Lannister. The dragon queen was having two problems, she no longer had her strategist anymore, because she doubted very much that Athena had the job of recreating the entire logistical plan and the advantage she had given to her enemies.

Daenerys regretted a lot of letting herself be carried away by the pressure to remove Athena from her position because it had destroyed their friendship, if it had not destroyed it, certainly the bond was more fragile than ever. The biggest problem with making decisions with a hot head is that the consequences of these actions are almost always disastrous, especially when you are the queen who rules everything and your word is the law. Now all that was left for Daenerys was advice that was not serving much and several problems to deal with.

Athena missed Daenerys but she was proud person like any human being, and because she was a human, she felt anger, sadness, joy, fear and any other emotion that living beings felt and that made everything more difficult. The priestess was hurt with queen, and this hurt had justification and foundation, which made the woman sad and angry about the whole situation, after all she felt kicked and discarded from one hour without many explanations.

It didn't hurt for Athena to lose the position, it hurt in her heart the way everything was done, it hurt for her to listen to the council's proposal offering the position of Master of Sciences as if it were a consolation. Athena's answer to the proposal was almost a murder, Tyrion had a risk below the left eye made by the sharp metal of the Master of Sciences staple, a friendly reminder that she would no longer tolerate spinny conversations.

Tyrion was alert after this incident, the look into Athena's eyes that day, reminded them of her father and he knew of the danger that existed behind a friendly smile and a sympathetic look. He was trying to warn the queen that this woman was not reliable and it seems that finally Daenerys was listening to him and the advice, but Tyrion was not blind and knew that Athena would fight back his feat, he just didn't know when. For a few brief moments Athena's looks also reminded him of Cersei, which was more alarming, she was always cautious around the council and clearly had a very bad view of many who were in that room.

Another person who was worried about the carriage floor was Grey Worm, since the shudder between the queen and the priestess had clearly shaken the functioning of the court, he and his companion were seeing the problems that would appear in the future. The general was worried about the woman, he was loyal only to Daenerys but this did not prevent him from caring about other people, especially the priestess who seemed to be disturbed since the meeting of inauguration of the positions on the council.

He knew that Athena had the best intentions with his queen, but the woman was not so easy to deal with, and he, his companion and Daenerys were the only people who openly argued with her because of this factor, because the others were quickly cut off from any conversation if she was angry. Athena acted as if she knew each one of them in that room, and frightened him the fact that a woman he had never seen in her life knew so many things about him, it is almost as if she had watched the life of each one present there.

He never forgot the first conversation the two had, and he also never told everything about that night to the queen, after all at the time they seemed to be just conspiracy theories to cause unbridled panic in the castle. He believed that close people would not be so bold until the moment Athena was poisoned, poisoned by eating a bread that should be on the tray of breads that were exclusively from the queen.

Missandei had reported to him that she had never seen such a horrifying situation, she saw the priestess assume an almost cadaveric aspect during the time that the poison acted, and she turned even more pale when Athena explained what the poison had done. The poison was made for the priestess' blood to coagulate and if it did not kill her, the other effect of the poison would kill, because the focus of the poison was the corrosion of the internal tissues of the human body, which would cause a very painful death and with no chance of salvation.

Only Grey Worm and Missandei knew this about the poisoning, because before the woman lost consciousness she begged that no one, including the queen, would be informed of what had happened, because this would alert whoever was the traitor. When the woman woke up, partially healed, she explained to Missandei that she would probably have permanent sequelae, since even using more energy than she should, she still felt pain and difficulty breathing.

Her healing process was slower than normal and she would be unable to perform medical services involving her gift for at least 4 moons. This was worrying since she was being quoted to act actively in the great battles, but so far she did not want speculation, she wanted a quiet recovery.

"Do you have anything useful to say?" Quoran asked, one of the counselors of the city they were in, he was also already angry with the priestess "if you have nothing useful to say, I suggest you shut up"

"Sir, it was a total of twenty-three days of waiting, they did not have the decency to send a miserable crow to justify this, and look, doing this was more than their obligation! We had complications and losses, I suggest we use this meeting to solve this, tomorrow we will talk to them, what is a day or two for those who made us wait almost a month?" She answered the question while admiring the paintings on the ceiling of the room.

"They can be possible allies, valuable allies. It is not good that we treat them with neglect," said Lord Varys, "it is not expected that someone like you will understand the complexity of these diplomatic issues"

A deadly silence was established in the room, everyone had understood that the master of whispers had called Athena dumb, the man had done it openly without thinking twice. She took a deep breath, deciding not to argue, just show her point of view, she was starting to feel pain and just wanted to get out of that room.

"Do you want to know what I don't understand? This desire of hers to act as if we were desperate for their help, is an illusion that Daenerys needs them, she has three grown dragons, an army of more than two hundred thousand soldiers, one of the most formidable navies of Essos"

"Our collaborators from the North can wait" Daenerys replied by ending the discussion.

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