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12. Fight Fire With Fire

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Steel-framed glass doors slide open with ease. I follow Oliver out to the balcony and shut the doors behind us, silencing the chaos from the suite. We are standing five stories above the street. Cool air chills my face as I stare into the night. An endless grid of lights flickers amid shadowy buildings and roads. The Birmingham cityscape looks serene from up here even while everything on the other side of the glass doors continues spiraling out of control.

Oliver glances my way. "Birmingham looks nice at night, don't you think?"

I shrug. "It is charming, for sure."

The scenery in question is not as impressive as my old penthouse, but it is nice enough.

"How much do you think this view is costing me, Mr. Vitale?"
I frown. "Per night?"

"Per hour."

Assuming the hotel suite costs about £10,000 a night, divide by twenty-four hours, and you get, "£416?"

"Close. £500."

A chuckle leaves me. "Chump change for someone of your means."

"Perhaps. But money doesn't grow on trees. Certainly, my family didn't grow our millions through frivolous investments."

"I cannot tell if you are trying to lecture me. Or threaten me."

"I'll be frank. I'm expecting every pound I spend tonight to double in value down the line. You were invited this evening for good reason. I consider every single one of tonight's guests as a worthwhile investment. Especially you. I know we just met, but you made an impression tonight."

"A good one, I hope?"

He nods. "I particularly appreciate how you stood your ground with Manning. He's a smart, ruthless bastard. His personality isn't one that can be easily subdued."

"I admit, it is fun to piss him off from time to time. But you flatter me. I am nowhere near as competent as you think I am."

Oliver smirks. "I disagree. You seem to be the kind of devil who's more than happy to play the fool. Just to fuck with his enemies. Judging by your department's performance ever since you became manager, I am confident that you can get shit done when push comes to shove."

Even though I know that Oliver is trying to win me over, his words do just the opposite. They trigger me because much of our department's success is owed to Aria. For better or worse, I am a different man because of her. My jaw tightens ever so slightly. Dio, we would have made such an unstoppable force. A bitter taste floods my tongue. If only she had chosen to be mia principessa instead of Juan Pablo's loyal bitch.

"Your praise," I murmur, "almost brings a tear to my eye."

Oliver cuts right to the chase, "I need you at Danmore, Mr. Vitale."

I arch an eyebrow, hoping that he is finally done kissing my ass and ready to talk business. "Because you require a new director for your asset management team? Or because we share a common enemy?"


If Oliver's claim is sincere, it would make sense for us to join forces against the Beltráns, but I cannot shake the feeling that he might be hiding a trick or two up his sleeve. Motherfuckers with money and influence always have hidden agendas. A while back, Vivi mentioned some rumors about Danmore eyeing Jackson & James as a potential acquisition. Her intel is usually impeccable. I must proceed with caution. I have no intention of letting Oliver swallow us whole. I will ask Carl to investigate his real motives, thoroughly, once I return to London.

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