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23. Not Like This

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One minute I'm falling from the yacht. The next, an icy splash stings my skin, enveloping me in terror. The river's current grabs ahold of me. It draws me away from the boat. Screaming for help, every muscle in my body strains toward the boat. The guests on board are hanging over the railing, gawking at me. They're shouting man overboard and someone save her over and over again. One of the men throws me a life preserver ring. I try to paddle toward it, but my muscles don't listen.

I begin sink.

Within seconds, my head goes under. Shit.

Why is it so dark down here?

Every nerve in my body freezes. I'm so cold that I can hardly think. I'm running out of air. I try to move my legs and arms toward the surface of the water. But my body is a deadweight. More water fills my lungs. I'm choking now, but I can't scream anymore.

Is it over for me?

Nicco's face flashes in front of me.

My heart cries with anguish. I refuse to go before I can mend the cracks between us. I don't want to give up. I'm not ready to say goodbye. I still have too much to do. Juan Pablo is the one who should die, and Appa still needs me.

I start kicking my feet with renewed vigor.

Suddenly, I feel someone's arm, strong and sure, wrap around my waist.

Who is it?

I can't tell, but I feel my body being pulled upward. Someone's here to rescue me. The panic in me calms a little even though my lungs are burning. The water isn't as dark now.

Does this mean I'm getting closer to the surface?

Sunlight dances through the water. It's quite pretty. I've never seen anything like it. Another second ticks by. Then, Maya's face appears. She welcomes me with a warm smile.

The fuck?

Her hand reaches for mine.

Wait, no, not yet!

Tears fill my eyes as I pull my hand away.

Someday, Maya, we'll meet again.

But not today. I can't die today. The arm around me keeps tugging. We still haven't made it to the surface. My body feels even heavier. Try as I might, I can't seem to keep my eyes open. They drift shut, and a dreadful, numbing blackness settles in.



When you are about to lose the other half of your heart, only love remains. Death has a funny way of putting things in perspective. Resentments melt away. Sins can be forgiven.

As I dive into the river, the water is cold as fuck. My muscles are burning, straining, as I try to reach Aria in time. She keeps sinking, and, for the life of me, I cannot seem to swim fast enough. Her hand is almost within reach, though. I do not give up. There is no question in my mind. I must save her. Hell, even if she shoved another knife in my back and lied to my face about Sossaman-Hewitt, I would still save her.

With unwavering determination, I cut through the water with faster and faster strokes. My hand stretches out for hers. For some reason, though, she pulls away. I am almost out of air. But I do not give up. Despite my lung being on the brink of collapse, I swim closer and closer and closer—


When, at last, my arm loops around her waist, a soul-quenching sense of relief flows through me. Kicking both feet, I haul both of us up toward the water's surface. I sputter and cough as we break through. Air replenishes my lungs. Adrenaline is bursting through my veins when I carry her back onto the yacht. As I lay her down, everyone crowds around us. There is so much fucking noise. I ignore them all. My desperate gaze searches for hers. But Aria's gray eyes are closed. I check her pulse.

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