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28. Kidnapped

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Why the hell did Nicco have to blindfold me?

No matter how hard I try, I can't seem to convince him to spill the fucking tea. His lips are stubbornly sealed. Hell, he won't even let me remove the blindfold. The control freak in me hates giving up control. Frustration mounts inside. Ten minutes later, I still can't see shit, but, at last, I sense the Benz slowing to a complete stop.

Trying not to sound too excited, I ask, "Have we finally arrived?"


Every beat inside my chest hammers away with anticipation. A hum starts vibrating in my purse, fussing like an insistent child for attention, but I ignore my phone. My entire focus belongs to him.

I let Nicco guide me out of the backseat. When the car door swings open, a waft of cold air hits my face. Replaying the distances traveled between the number of left and right turns that were taken, I attempt to find my bearings. I'm almost positive that we're near Murray Hill.

After exiting the vehicle, Nicco and I walk a short distance before the wintry chill is replaced by a feeling of warmth. I hear doors shut behind us. I don't think we're outside anymore. We must have entered some kind of building. My phone vibrates a second time. Once more, I pretend not to notice.

I'll check it later.

Nicco walks beside me, his arm wrapped around my waist as he guides me down a corridor of sorts. With my vision obstructed, other senses come alive.


Our footsteps echo across hardwood floors. The rhythmic thuds travel through a seemingly vast chamber, bouncing off of endlessly tall ceilings and stretching across infinitely spacious rooms.


The earthy scent of worn leather and old books. There's something comforting about this smell. It reminds me of the library back at Hawkins. That place. Those books. The countless hours I spent tucked away in the study room on the third floor. They provided my only respite from Juan Pablo's tyranny.


Never breaking contact, I follow Nicco, trusting him completely even while curiosity threatens to drive me mad.

"Am I being kidnapped?" I demand half-jokingly.

"Hell, yes." Nicco pulls me nearer, encasing my body protectively against his muscled frame. I feel his lips press against my temple as he kisses me tenderly. "Will you let me take you?"

Melting into him, I whisper, "Only if you promise to never let go."


Within the same second, the ground vanishes beneath my feet as Nicco scoops me up, carrying me over-the-threshold style—one of his arms supports my back while the other cradles my legs—to an unknown destination inside this mysterious building.

My body jostles in his arms as we change directions. "Just tell me where we're going already. Please?"

More echoing footsteps. "Why don't you take a guess?"

Knowing he probably won't acknowledge it even if I guess correctly, I hum in noncommittal tones, "Disneyland?"

He snickers. "What are you... five?"

I scoff. "Fuck you."

"Nothing would please me more than to have you fuck me."

"Then beg for it."

"If I beg," Nicco murmurs, "would you give me whatever I want?"

"Right now?"


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