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A/N: Hey guys, it's Alchemist1000 here. Thank you, Pinkiekal2 for voting on my previous poem. Enjoy this poem I wrote XD. I write a lot of dark poetry XD.

Shadows roam in my room.

With no doors to escape to.

Sore bruises appear on my arms.

Where is the pain even coming from?

Being alone in a dark room feels like being in a cave.

When there is no light to go to.

Where shall I go to?

I'm locked away in the dark, alone.

With no one to see or talk to.

The pain on arms are overbearing.

Where is the door?

I want to get out of the dark and go the light.

I want to be free and leave the dark.

Alas, there is the light.


I ran out and came the light.

There was the fresh air that I dreamed of smelling.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this poem. I might be not able to update quickly because of school is going to start in 2 weeks. And I am definitely going to have a stressful year. Chow ^w^. 

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