True Love Is An Unexpected Journey

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A/N: Here is the poem you were waiting for XD "True Love" I hope you enjoy this poem XD.

True love is an unexpected journey until you see it.

Sometimes it will make you see what true love is.

For the sake of not hurting yourself, wait until the right time comes.

If you want to seek true love, go to the lake.

It will fill you up with mysteries that will make you realize that love is hard.

Love can make you ache, but sometimes it will make you not ache for true love.

Love will make you stick up to yourself, some of the pieces of your heart will make you stronger.

If that true someone loved you for who you are, you are glad.

You are mad for the special someone that is in your life.

He will not make you sad, but make you glad for being yourself.

Singing your way to the rain when he holds your hand.

You lay on the bed with him, smiling from all of the joy you had with him.

He keeps you safe with his warm arms.

This is what true love is.

When he stays with you, laughs with you, and teases you, that is true love.

When he met you, you fell and he caught you with his arms.

You blushed like a red cherry from a tree.

What you saw in the lake was true love.

Right now, you know what true love is.

True love is an unexpected journey you say.

And it was true.

A/N: What did you think? this is my love poem. I hoped you enjoyed it. The next poem is going to be, "He Wanted Love But It Wasn't Easy" Chow ^^

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