Chapter 22

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Karishma ( POV )

we reached Aditi's leg is paining but I have to walk. I mean its not a fracture but tying ankle bells will be difficult.

Aditiya decided to carry Arav today and he looks soooooo handsome with a little kid. Why man doing normal works looks dam hot ...or mine looks more hot ? I don't know.

Before we could enter my eyes landed on a little crowd formed near the any celebraty coming today. I walked a little closer and heard people screaming.

" oh my god The famous fashion designer Arati sen is here with her husband Arnold sen. " okay they are talking about my parents..... they're are here. Mom really loves her grandkids.

Just today I texted her about the changes and she cancled two of her big programs to be her....she really loves her granddaughter.

And my father who loves to play chess has not attended a friendly chess tournament with his friends to be here. Original owner of this body was stupid who missed soooo much for a guy....but lets not ruin my mood with this memory.

I wanted to go to her...but the crowd was not letting me in. " oh my god! Who you think you are? Trying to reach the fashion designer....It takes people months to get her appointment. Just because she came here for the program doesnt mean we can let anyone meet her. " said one of the teacher.

She is probably in security today and is doing her job. And since I didnt go  out much with my one knows much about our relationship. They just knows about my elder sister.

" I know you're doing your job....but she is my mother. She came here to watch her granddaughter perfrom. " I told her sweetly.

She laughed like I told her any funny story. " I hear that a lot...daughter and funny. So her model daughter is your elder sister? want me to belive that? " she asked and well she doesn't deserve my sweetness.

" Yes cause thats the truth. " I told her and she hid her face in her hands like it was difficult for her to hold her laughter.

" you in sari....With that look...with no sense of fashion...calling her're brave. " she said and it's worthless fighting with her.

" please dont bother me...after this I have to help my daughter get ready for dance." She said in her sassy voice.

" Even my daughter will participate thats why her granny is here." I told her. I don't want to be rude to anyone today.

" You dont want to give up do you?....And about that competition judging by your cloths...going to dance plain classic doring. My daughter is expert in dancing and yours can never defeat her. " She said and well mom's are usually proud of their daughters even for no it's okay.

" Moreover your not even her real cut the drama already. That girl doesn't even qualify to be in the competition." she said with an attitude of queen.

I could have left her in her little world but she dragged my daughter in it. Now she has to face the consequences ....I took my phone and rang my mother.

She answered just in one ring " Darling where are you....your father and I came near the gate of Aditi's school...but cant find you. " She said looking around the crowd.

" look infront of you....the crowd is not letting me in. " I told waving my hand. My father spotted me and waved back. My mother rushed with her phone still in her hand.

" Here you're my girl...." she said pulling me in her hug. Aditi spotted her my father and rushed to him. " Grandpa..." she shouted and my father patted her head saying " My beautiful granddaughter. " I looked at the teacher who is looking at us like she saw a ghost.

" Karishma...look mom is here. " said Aditya coming towards us with his mother ( Arpita sharma ). And the colors from the teachers face drowned and her face became ghastly pale.

" Aditi will have such a boost seeing you guys here. " I told my amazing family.

" How can I miss my granddaughters and my beautiful daughter in laws performance? " she my mother in law ( lets call her mother and my one mummy ). " Arpita lets go and sit together....we have to flim everything. " said my mummy. " yes, yes lets go. " said my mother.

" come let me help you. " said Aditya and went to show them their seats. I turned towards the teacher and told " No comment for your daughter...but the kind of attitude you have I feel sorry for her. " she looked ashamed.

" Dont judge dont know what they are going through. And Aditi is my daughter....dont talk rubbish again. " I almost shouted at her...even Aditya doesnt say stuff like that to me. Even he consider her as my daughter.

"  look we are both mothers and its common to have pride for our daughters or son....just dont belittle others to boost anyone's confidence.  Its not right. you're not just a mother but also a teacher...responsible for building the nation...please be careful. " I told her and she didnt say anything just kept quite. I took Aditi's hand walked away from her.

" Are you okay? " asked Aditi as we were going back to her class. " yep, why would you ask?" I askeed her. " you're hoping like a bunny. " she looking at me. " I am good." I have to be good.

Aditya ( POV )

The program started with a welcoming song. Than the princple of the school gave few speeches. I am basically not interested about only focus is Aditi. Karishma really got hurt today and I dont feel good about it.

performance after performance went by...and finally my daughter came in stage holding karishma's hand. They look soo good together...karishma is standing must be hurting to stand like that.

The music started and they started dancing. Its ' chandaniya chup ja na re ' they are showing a story where a girl lost her mother and thinks her mother comes down from heaven to sing songs for her.

Its so magical to daughter has learned so well. And karishma....well she is beautiful, her steps are soo good, the power she contains, the emotions she shows are so genuine.....She just to be with my children did things no one will do. who ever wins today doesnt matter for me she is the winner.

Author's Note :

A late night gift for my favourite readers ....hope you like it.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now