Chapter 38

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Karishma ( POV )

The morning light woke me up....yesterday sounds like a dream to me right now. But I am sure what happened wasn't any dream. My bed is empty...Aditya must have left for his morning walk.

He was pretty cute yesterday taking care of me...and after what titli told...I am ready to take a new step in my life. As I turned around happily stretching myself I saw two eyes looking at me from the end of the bed.

Whole body covered by the bed just the eyes visible....little eyes filled with moisture....I know who is aditi. She is sitting as silent as a cat watching me sleep.

" Baby come here..." I waved at her. She got shy for getting caught but slowly walked near the bed. She is silent and her eyes are red....something tells me she was crying. But why my baby was crying?

" Are you alright? why your eyes are red? were you crying Darling? " I asked her and again she broke down into tears. My heart hurts to see her cry like that. 

" come here baby...Come to mummy. " I know I have cold and letting her get closer can get her effected too...but looking at her I gave in. She climbed up in the inside my blanket and cuddled with me.

" I was so were not talking.I thought you left me like my mummy and that scared me. " She said I can sense fear in her voice.

" Dont be scared...your my brave girl. And always remember mummy loves you...I will never leave you. So dont be scared. " I told and talked with her somemore trying to get her relaxed.

After sometimes she left to play with her brother and sisters. It has been a while...why aditya isn't back? I feel weak today...should let miss snow handle the kids while I rest a bit today.

As I lay for another door cracked open and a girl walked in the room. I know her.....she is sahara.

She walked in and stood awkwardly near my bed. I smiled at her to which she smiled awkwardly. I told her to take a sit which she did.

" We are not formaly introduced my name is must be sahara? " I asked her and she nodded in response.

" I know...its a weried question but have you seen her? " asked sahara. I know who she mean but how does she know about it. I nodded and she understood the question in my eyes.

She over turned  my hand and showed me a star mark that matches with the star mark in her hand. So we both meet with titli.

" I a friend of titli I never approved you for Aditya. But seeing how happy he is...and how wonderfully you have taken care of the kids....I am happy for Aditya. And I am so sorry for what happened at the party. " She said carefully. I undrestand her concern and thats why wasn't that mad at her.

" I understand your concern and am very happy that titli had a wonderful friend like you. Hope in future we can be good friends. " I told her and she nodded.

" Titli told me she herself chose you for must be special. " Well her words did make me feel special.

" I know my sudden appearance has and that behavior must have created problems for you...but I am turely sorry for that. " She said with teary eyes and she does looks sorry.

" You don't have to be did nothing wrong. Our relationship wasn't that strong....but now hope everything will go well. " I told her and she nodded with a smile.

" Here I brought chocolates for you. " She said handing me some of my favorite chocolates. " I have seen your insta pics and know you like them. " she said and I like her already.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Where stories live. Discover now