Chapter 57

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Karishma ( POV )

Well samrat left our house two days ago , Aditya wasn't happy about it but we have to move in our life. I convinced Sahara to stay a few more days with us , and she agreed.

I don't know what samrat told her or what he did but she is quite mad at him and really depressed about something. I asked her about it but she didn't say anything.

Well , today Aditya has taken the kids to watch a football match. I got them ready and packed them some lunch . Now that I have time I will do some work.

I have to turn in the edited version of the story tomorrow and I must say it's a nice story. I am loving it , hope it gets published. I was doing work on it but now I want to read the little copy that I found in that store room.

So I took that copy up , first few pages gives you the vibe that it's a math copy, a child doing addition and subtraction.

But from tenth page I found what I was looking for.

" Dear Diary,

Today I saw mom in school. She was with elder brother, I tried to talk with her but she didn't notice me. I sat two seats away from her still she didn't notice me....I should have talked to her myself. It was my mistake .

Zen "

" Dear Diary,

Today everyone had to bring something that there mother cooked but I took something my chef cooked. I won the prize but still I didn't celebrate...that was nothing I could celebrate.

Zen "

" Dear Diary,

Dad is forcing me to celebrate my birthday but I don't want to. I am still sitting with my phone hoping mom will call. She did messaged me but I was hoping for a call. Am I acting like a spoiled child ? I think I should be happy just with the message.

Zen "

My eyes are full of tears. I can feel the pain of little zen growing up without a mother. He had to grow up before time. I don't know what made a mother stop visiting her own child ?

I tried to do some research, even my didi ( elder sister) is working on it but we got nothing. And the person who could have helped us just left.

" Dear Diary,

It's thundering and I am scared. I want my mom......I am under my bed . I can't go to my dad , he will think I am a silly baby and make fun. I want my mom ...."

He grew up without a mom and a dad who wasn't very present in his life. So when he felt some love and warmth from roshni didi he just grabbed it with his open heart.

Original Karishma didn't have that much warmth so he didn't like her I understand. But I wonder what made her like zen so much ?

Oh ! Stupid her ..I get it. She was also a competitive girl , she thought her parents loved her elder sister she tried to take everything her elder sister she... stupid girl.

" Dear Diary,

Aditya Bhai has shared his lunch with me today. Mom made it , I tasted food made by my mom. It's delicious, best food in the world. Aditya Bhai ( brother) is so lucky. I wish I could eat food made by my mom daily. Specially butter paneer and naan.... delicious.

Zen "

And than few pages of maths , and some study materials. Few pages of writing how he almost failed in test papers.

" Dear Diary,

I have grown up but still when I see children's running to their mothers arms , the luxury which I never had.

Transmigated as mother of four , Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant