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“Look how cute we all were!” Cathy exclaimed whilst laughing

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“Look how cute we all were!” Cathy exclaimed whilst laughing.

As the four of the four students all take their seats and wait for the train to start moving, Severus also takes out a book and begins to read. Lily looks over to Cathy while she smiles back to her awkwardly.

“So…” Lily began, “…looking forward to your first year?”

“Yeah.” Cathy nodded. “I couldn’t wait to get out of my house.”

“Why is that?”

“Oh no.” Cathy murmured,

“My mother.” Cathy answered. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s like she’s abusive or anything. It’s just that she’s the smothering type. And the worrying type. And the overinvolved type. After my brother left for school all her attention fell on me unfortunately.”

“Is that so?” Euphemia looked at her daughter with a forced expression.

“Oh, you have an older brother?” Lily enquired.

“Yeah.” Cathy nodded. She turned to Regulus and spoke to him in an attempt to get him to join the conversation. “How about you? Any older or younger siblings?”

Regulus looked up from his book and clear his throat before speaking. “Uh, older brother. He’s going to be a third year as well.”

“Hey my brothers starting his third year too.” Cathy said.

“Really, what are their names? Maybe Sev and I know them.” Lily said.

“And unfortunately, we did.” Severus said.

Before either one of the new first years could answer the doors to the compartment opened again. Everyone turned and saw that James was standing at the entrance with his friends behind him.

Severus immediately scowled at the appearance of James Potter. Lily had a similar look albeit hers was one that mostly consisted of annoyance.

“What do you want, Potter?” Severus spat out.

“Well good morning to you too Snivellus.” James smirked. “Hey check it out lads it Snivellus!”

“What is up with my voice?” James said. “Is that what I used to sound like before puberty?”

“That’s what you sound like when you’re being a prick.” Cathy told him.

 “Snivellus?” Cathy repeated in a whisper.

“What are you doing here, James?” Lily demanded.

“I forgot how much I hated back then.” Lily commented.

“Oh, nothing really.” James said leaning against the frame of the doorway. “Just came to check on my little sister and just happened across you and your little pet project over there.”

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