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“Oh my god, that was so cool!” Sirius exclaimed

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“Oh my god, that was so cool!” Sirius exclaimed.

“Man, I wish I had the same power as Ryan.” James said wishfully.

“And the occupants of the planet Earth sigh with relief.” Cathy murmured.

The camera’s view faded away from the classroom and reemerged at the quidditch pitch. They were a lot of students on the stands dressed in green and silver and on the other half of the stands were students dressed in red and gold.

“Oh, it’s my favorite part of school.” James said eagerly.

“Yeah! Come on Slytherin!” a student in Slytherin cheered.

The camera moved over to the stands that held the parents and teachers who had come to watch the match.

“I have conflicting feelings about who to cheer for.” Regulus told Cathy who was sitting next to Halley.

“Cause you’re a Slytherin and your kid’s a Gryffindor.” Evan nodded.

“Yes, thank you for pointing that out.” Regulus said sarcastically.

“Popcorn?” Cathy offered her husband.

“Thanks.” Regulus took a handful. “Go Ryan!”

“Go Ryan! Go Harry!” Little Halley shouted at the top of her lungs.

“Another goal for Slytherin!” Lee Jordan announced. “They lead Gryffindor ninety to eighty!”

“Come on Gryffindor!” Sirius shouted.

“Yeah! Yeah!” Marcus Flint cheered.

“Come on Ryan.” Cathy said softly.

The scene moved over to the Slytherin chasers flying side by side. As soon and one of the Gryffindor chasers came close to the one holding on to the Quaffle, they would pass it on to one of their other chasers.

“Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell try to steal the Quaffle from Slytherin. Adrian Pucey passes the Quaffle to Marcus Flint.” Lee Jordan commentates rapidly. “Flint dodges the buldger sent by Gryffindors beaters. Slytherin approaches the goal. Flint passes the Quaffle—Oh! Gryffindors new chaser Orion Black intercepts the Quaffle!”

“Yes!” James exclaimed as he watched closely.

Ryan had swooped in from below just as Flint had tried to pass the Quaffle to the other chaser and quickly rotated on his broom so that he was heading over to the Slytherins goals.

“Too bad we can’t watch Quidditch all the time on a screen like this.” Remus said.

“Yeah.” Peter agreed.

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