Chapter 3

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"Wednesday Addams is impossibly irritating," Bianca huffed, storming into Y/N's dorm and flopping down onto the seat in front of the girl's desk.

Y/N smirked at the sound of her friend's voice and quickly double-checked to make sure that her pendant was on, before returning to the interior of her dorm. She loved waking up a little early to watch the sunrise. Not all the time of course, but now and then, when the sunrise was particularly beautiful, the plants would wake her to watch the sun.

"I'm surprised you're just realising that now," Y/N joked, shutting the window behind her and pulling off her sweater. "What happened this time?"

Bianca turned the chair around to face Y/N as the girl took a seat on her bed. "You know how we had a meeting last night?"

Y/N nodded. She knew who Bianca was talking about. Bianca, Divina, and Kent were all part of an "elite" student society. The three had invited her to join the semester before, promising her wild and exciting times, but Y/N had declined. Virgin mojitos and late-night skinny dips weren't her cup of tea. But that hadn't stopped the three from telling her everything that went on down in the secret room beneath Edgar Allan Poe's statue.

"So we were going down for our meeting last night, and lo and behold..." Bianca trailed off.

"Wednesday was there," Y/N asked. She laughed quietly and got to her feet, heading to her wardrobe to get her clothes for the day.

Today was Outreach Day. A day when the students of Nevermore were invited down to Jericho to mingle amongst the normies. Y/N's least favourite day of the school year. It was one thing for her to head down to the Weathervane for a cup of coffee and to catch up with Tyler when she had a chance, but it was another thing for her to be confined to the town for the entire day, suffering through odd looks from the normies. It was because of her first Outreach Day experience that she had started covering her slightly pointed ears with her hair, and wearing enchanted contacts to hide her bright green eyes.

"Xavier wanted to invite him to join the Nightshades, but he turned us down."

"You mean, like I did," Y/N joked, draping her blazer over her arm.

"You're different," Bianca muttered. "Wednesday is just stuck up. And he said that amateurs like us give kidnapping a bad name."

Y/N laughed. "Does he realise that you're all a bunch of sixteen-year-olds?"

Bianca soon left Y/N to get ready and returned to her dorm to ensure that Divina wasn't sleeping in later than she was supposed to. Once she was ready, Y/N grabbed her bag, threw it over her shoulder, and headed out of her dorm. She met Divina and Bianca on the main floor of their dorm before heading down to the lobby where they found Kent waiting for them. He was still supporting the black eye that Thing had given him the day before, and Y/N pouted at the sight of it.

"Aw, poor Kent," she teased, looping her arm through his. "How does it feel?"

"Better. It's still sore but better."

Y/N stuck her hand into her bag and pulled out a poultice. "Try this."

Kent took it without hesitation and placed it over his eye, smiling at her as the group headed out to the quad where most of the students were already waiting.

But Weems wasn't there yet, so Bianca led their group over to the rest of the sirens, all of whom bid Y/N good morning as she passed them. While she might not have any of her outcasts at Nevermore, the sirens were the next best thing. They understood her plight, as they suffered from a similar power.

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