Chapter 5

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𝔜𝔬𝔲 ℜ𝔢𝔞𝔭 𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔚𝔬𝔢

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How well do we really know our parents?

Take my father. I've always considered him an open book. A man given to misguided schemes and exaggerated displays of affection. But when he was a student he was accused of a murder that took place right up there.

Y/N glanced up from her paper and frowned. Why on earth had Wednesday's father been accused of murder? True, she had never met the man, and if she was going off of how well she knew his son, he might have committed a crime. Wednesday certainly seemed to have a particular taste for the macabre and the morbid. Who's to say that his father was any different?

Which leads me to wonder, what really happened that stormy night thirty-two years ago?

Y/N slammed her textbook shut and leaned back in her chair. She was never going to get any work done with Wednesday's exceedingly loud thoughts. She thought of her mother and how she hadn't had the safety net of the charm, and how many people had succumbed to her charm, allowing her to steal their heart before she managed to escape. Once, before she had left for Nevermore, her mother had told her about the pain of having so many voices in her mind. Like a never-ending storm that grew louder and louder with each passing day. And Y/N could barely handle one.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Y/N quickly slipped her pendant over her head, hiding it beneath the neckline of her shirt. She glanced towards the clock on her desk. It was nearly ten, which meant that the parents of students would soon be arriving for parents weekend.

"Y/N! Come on, I know you're in there!"

Y/N chuckled at the sound of Divina's voice and pushed her chair in. She had been hoping to hide out in her room for the weekend to suppress the envious feelings, but Divina and Kent had made her promise to come and hang out with their family.

"One sec, Divina!" Y/N grabbed her phone from her nightstand and tucked it into her pocket. Then, she headed to the door and pulled it open.

"Come on!" Divina hardly let Y/N shut and lock her door before pulling her down the steps of the tower. "Kent's already waiting with our parents! They can't wait to meet you."

Y/N sighed and rolled her eyes, but she couldn't help smiling. At least she wouldn't be alone this year like she had the year before.

Divina and Y/N made their way through the halls and out into the courtyard, where they wove through the growing crowd of happy families until they found Kent standing with two adults who bore a striking resemblance to the siren siblings. As they drew nearer, Divina slipped her arm through Y/N's and gave her arm a comforting squeeze.

"There she is!" The woman standing with Kent immediately scooped Divina up, rubbing her nose against her daughter's cheek and peppering her skin with kisses.

"Mom! Stop!" Divina batted away her mom. "Not in public, please!" She stumbled away.

"Oh, what, you don't want Mommy showing you how much I've missed you!"

Divina shook her head, still smiling despite her mother's attempt to embarrass her.

"We missed you little guppies so much," their father said, looping an arm around Kent's shoulders. "You two just had to pick the furthest school away, didn't you?"

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