Chapter 5

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Emily lay in bed, eyes wide, fixated on the ceiling. The room was a cavern of darkness, except for the soft luminescence of the digital clock on the bedside table. "2:37 AM," it read, taunting her insomnia. She glanced at Mark beside her, his breathing a soothing lullaby. He was an oasis of calm, contrasting sharply with the tempest brewing within her for weeks.

She'd tried everything—counting sheep, deep breathing, even a warm glass of milk earlier. But her mind was a labyrinth of unsettling thoughts. Recent sleepwalking episodes, a doctor's visit, and an inexplicable sense of foreboding gnawed at her.

"Enough," she whispered, carefully sliding out of bed to avoid waking Mark. Her feet met the cold hardwood floor as she tiptoed into the kitchen. The house was silent, save for the rhythmic ticking of the grandfather clock in the living room—a sound that once comforted her. Tonight, though, each tick felt like a drumbeat heralding impending doom.

She flicked on the light and poured a glass of water, her hands quivering. She took a sip, hoping for tranquility but finding none. As she peered out the window into the abyss beyond, a shiver cascaded down her spine. "It's just your imagination, Em," she muttered, trying to shake off the eerie sensation of being watched.

She turned off the light and returned to the bedroom, her heart pounding like a drum. This sensation wasn't new; it was a ghost from her childhood sleepwalking days. A ghost she thought she'd exorcized, but here it was, more potent than ever.

Slipping back into bed, she pulled the covers tight. Mark mumbled something incoherent but remained in his dream world. "Lucky you," she thought, envying his peaceful slumber.

Just then, a soft whisper broke the silence, sounding eerily like her own voice: "Something is coming, Emily. Something inescapable."

Chills raced down her spine. She knew the voice spoke the truth. As her eyes finally closed, her dreamscape was a forest of towering shadows and haunting whispers—an omen of looming chaos. She found herself rooted to the ground, paralyzed, as a hooded figure emerged from the shadows. Its skeletal hand reached for her, sending electric jolts through her body.

She woke up, heart racing, the dream's remnants clinging to her consciousness. She looked at Mark, still blissfully asleep, and felt a mix of relief and isolation.

"Something's coming, something world-shattering," she thought, a cocktail of fear and anticipation swirling within her. As she closed her eyes, praying for a reprieve from her nightmares, she knew there was no turning back. She was on a path leading into an abyss, a journey into her own heart of darkness.

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