Chapter 16

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The walls of Dr. Helen Marlowe's office seemed to close in on Emily, their sterile calmness a stark contrast to the turmoil raging within her. She sat, a solitary figure in the plush chair, her fingers entwined as if to hold herself together. Across from her, Dr. Marlowe's gaze was both penetrating and compassionate, a silent invitation to unveil secrets long buried.

"Emily, you mentioned the sleepwalking episodes resurfaced recently." Dr. Marlowe began, her tone measured. "Can you recall any specific triggers or changes in your life around that time?"

Emily's mind raced, sifting through the chaos of recent events. "Nothing specific," she finally said. "Just... stress, I guess. Normal life stuff. But nothing that should cause this."

Dr. Marlowe nodded, her pen pausing over the notepad. "Sometimes, our subconscious is more sensitive than we realize. It can react to stresses that we consciously overlook or minimize."

The room was suffused with a heavy silence, punctuated only by the soft ticking of a clock. Emily felt the weight of each second, each moment stretching out before her like a path shrouded in fog.

"And these episode," Dr. Marlowe continued, "how do they usually unfold?"

Emily hesitated, her throat tightening. "I... I wake up in strange places. Places I can't remember going to. It's like I'm losing time."

Dr. Marlowe leaned forward, her eyes reflecting a depth of understanding. "And the most recent incident, waking up next... a deceased person. That must have been traumatic."

"It was horrifying." Emily whispered, her voice a fragile thread of sound. "I can't stop thinking about it. I can't stop wondering if... if I had something to do with it."

The doctor's expression softened. "Emily sleepwalking, even in its most extreme forms, rarely leads to violence. It's important to remember that correlation does not imply causation."

"But what if I'm different?" Emily's eyes were wide, brimming with a torment that reached beyond the confines of the room. "What if there's something wrong with me?"

Dr. Marlowe regarded Emily, her demeanor both professional and empathetic. "We'll explore every possibility. But it's crucial we approach this with an open mind. The human psyche is complex, and we must tread carefully to understand it."

Emily felt a surge of fear and hope entwine within her. The doctor's words offered a semblance of comfort, yet the shadow of uncertainty lingered. 

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