On Delectable Passion

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Notes: Here's another chapter and this time it didn't take 3 months to post it lmao. I hope to post another chapter in two weeks time HOWEVER I find it very unlikely due to school picking up once again (it's my final year so kinda have to actually try...) ENJOY! or don't...

I woke the next morning to the cool, coastal air bending its way through the small windows of the villa. The world was quiet. The mossy mattress beneath me needed changing; the small growth now flattened from too much use. I had slept well, deeply. As I stretched, I became startled, my body nudged the still limbs of who I knew was Medusa.

Holding my breath, I waited for her to chastise me about waking her at an ungodly hour, and yet the air surrounding us remained still, her breath heavy and even. I let myself cherish the quiet moment, imagining the soft smile on Medusa's face as she dreamt of all things lovely.

Slowly ­– but faster than I anticipated – I grew used to not being alone; I no longer spent time in the uncomfortable quiet and no longer was I ever left alone to fend for myself. I stopped waiting to wake from a dream – if I did in fact wake, I would enter something resembling a nightmare, trapped in the hull of that disgusting boat, as my very existence became nothing more than a thread dangling from a fence post.

Something tugged in my chest, forcing its way to every part of my body, making my skin tingle. I felt odd but I pushed it aside, stepping out of the villa and into the open air.

I had no clue what I was to do. Planning was not something I knew well, nor something I particularly wanted to learn. Whenever I tried to plan for the future, everything and everyone had always failed. No one had believed me. I suppose that is what came with my rejection of the God of prophecy.

I had not bathed in days, and it was beginning to catch up to me. Gods, I smelt revolting.

Medusa had shown me to the small rock pools near the maze of statues a while ago, when she found me trying to wash myself in the unpredictable claws of the ocean. It was tranquil here. Everything belonged with one another, facilitating the very essence of life a world was supposed to uphold. It was truly beautiful.

As I dipped myself into the cool waters, my muscles relaxed. I sank beneath the delicate water and let it consume me – but only for a few seconds, only long enough for air to escape my nostrils causing bubbles to pop on the smooth surface. I could not allow myself to stay for more time even if I could manage to hold my breath for much longer. The rock pools were not deep, just enough that I could stand, covering half of my torso.

Brushing wet hair from my eyes and mouth, I began working towards the centre of the pool. Small fish swam through my legs, and I could just make out the small crabs scuttling on the drier parts of the barrier rocks around me.

The heat of sun rays nipped at my shoulder blades as the early morning shades shifted to make room for the midday scorch. My hands had begun to shrivel like the dried skin of prunes. I sighed and made my way to the edge of the pools where my long discarded clothes were now bathing in honey melted light. Crackles of fallen leaves caught my attention.

"You're awake, finally," I chastised the ghost walking towards me.

"I have always been here," a deep voice replied.

I froze.

"No need to be startled all of a sudden, Darling. I am simply here to talk to you. I've missed you." That voice. That deep, grovelling voice which was once a song I longed to hear always, now scratching at every inch of my head trying to get out.

"Leave," I said but nothing came out – nothing more than a whisper. My legs shook but I grabbed my robe, hurrying to cover myself. I felt warm breath grow closer to me, making me feel even more nauseous than when I was stuck in the sunken hull of a rotting ship.

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