5. Chris: I'm So Ssick

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My phone was ringing and I had no desire to answer it. I was 2 days into my well-earned 2 weeks of vacation, and all I wanted to do for these first few days was to lay on my couch and watch tv for however long I wanted, order whatever food I wanted, and avoid whoever I wanted. I was succeeding very well so far, but that nagging feeling of needing to answer this call wouldn't leave me alone. So, I reached above my head and snatched it from the end table.

Felix's goofy face, nickname, and phone number lit up my whole screen. He knew I was on vacation, so I was immediately concerned as to why he would call. I accepted the call quickly.

"Felix? Everything okay?"

He took a deep breath before speaking so quickly that I had to sit up and focus. "I know you're on holiday. I'm so sorry. But, Chan is sick and he is complaining that none of the other noonas know what to do for him like you do. The guys and I have tried but we can't remember all the stuff you get for him that he likes and makes him feel better. Help? Like, even if you can text me a list of things. Or, if you'll order it and have it delivered, I'll send you the money. Please? He's being insufferable."

My heart went out to the poor kid. I chuckled lightly into the phone to try to calm his nerves. "Of course he chooses to get sick when I take time off. Bastard." Felix's responding laugh was music to my ears. "Has he been taken off schedule for a few days?"

"Yes, he's got three more days before our next event. He's trying to isolate himself since he's running fever."

"Hmm," I ponder aloud, "How hard would it be to get him out the building without an entourage? Like when you used to sneak out in 2021."

Felix's belly laugh nearly broke my eardrum. "Noona! You're not supposed to talk about that!"

"Hey, I was there, you punk! I'm the one who helped you the most." I scoffed. "So, can he do it or not?" I waited for him to respond, and then after he said yes I told him, "Pack him an overnight bag for 2 days. Get a car to bring him to my place. He can stay with me until he gets better."

"Noona, what about your holiday?"

"I'm just sitting on the couch watching tv. He can do that with me and I'll be able to take care of him. And that way the other noonas won't have to worry about him. If he gets me sick, I'll have more than enough time to get over it before I have to come back to work."

Felix took another one of his deep breaths. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, Lixie. I'm sure. Now, make sure you pack what he needs and I'll send you my address when I get off the phone."

"Okay. Thanks, noona!!"

As soon as he hung up, I sent him my address and then started a delivery order for OTC medicines, some groceries, and some snack items from the convenient store. Within the hour, everything was at my door. Then, the last knock sounded, and I looked at the video feed from the camera to see Chan, his hooded head leaning against the doorframe with a backpack slung over his shoulder. "It's open. Come in," I called to him through the camera speaker.

The door opened slowly, and this dark mass of a figure shuffled pitifully into view. In head to toe pitch, like usual, Chan was in a black beanie, black hoodie, black face mask, black sweats, and black socks. The only strips of skin I saw were his temples and his wrists above where his hands were buried into his pockets.

"What? You didn't like my fuzzy slippers I left at the door for you?"

"Ha... Ha..." His raspy, nasally voice was muffled through the face mask before he dissolved into a short coughing fit. He collapsed onto the couch close to me and sunk into the cushions, resting his head on the back. "I'm dying."

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