8. Seungmin: Memories at the Park

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I tucked my feet under the seat at my descent, watching as the sandy texture of the ground passed by before I extended my legs again, pulling my momentum forward and higher once more. The breeze on my face, the lightness of being mid-air, was enough to tear my mind away from the busyness of the week. I hadn't done this in a while. Memories of childhood raced across my mind's eye and I laughed at one in particular.

"What's so funny?" Seungmin's clear voice broke through my thoughts as he approached. He took a seat in the swing next to mine, letting his feet dangle as he watched me make another ascent and descent. He smiled brightly when I looked over at him.

"Do you remember that park by my house that we used to sneak to when we were younger?" I waited for him to nod. "Do you remember the day my sister caught us when we were supposed to be studying after school?" I left my legs outstretched, slowing my swinging so that I could talk to him more comfortably.

Suddenly, his head tipped back and his mouth opened wide in belly laughs. "Yes! Oh my god."

I was trying so hard not to join him in laughing hard while continuing the story. "And you yelled to jump and run, but your uniform shorts got caught on the swing chain and they— they ripped off when— when you jumped!" I gripped the rope chain in my fists and let myself dissolve into laughter, picturing us screaming and laughing while running away from my sister, all while Seungmin's shorts were left behind hanging from the playground swing as evidence to our act of rebellion.

"Why'd you have to bring that up?" Seungmin fussed, reaching out to playfully hit me on the arm when I passed close enough to him.

"You were wearing boxers with smiley faces and the day of the week all over them!" I nearly choked on my inhale of breath between laughter.

"It was a Tuesday! Of course, I wasn't going to wear Friday boxers on a Tuesday!" He grinned in embarrassment and shook his head at me.

I had finally slowed enough to where I could plant my feet on the ground and stop. I spun toward him and held out my closest hand toward him. My heart did a tango in my chest the moment his skin touched and enveloped mine in his warmth. His thumb rubbed happily against the back of my hand as if it knew that was where it belonged.

"Hello." He said then smiled my favorite content smile of his. "I'm happy you're here."

"That's my line!" I laughed softly, knowing that my cheeks were tinged pink under his gaze.

"Then you say it." He smirked.

I squeezed his hand. "I'm happy you're here, Min."

His face lit up as he grinned so widely. "Thanks." He looked around to see the park pretty empty. "I figured there would be more people out here today."

"Maybe it was meant to be just us here right now." I swung our joined hands between us.

"No jump and run necessary today."

I barked out a laugh. "But, I'd be okay if you lost your pants again... if the need arises."

His head slowly turned in my direction, a mischievous grin aimed at me. "Should it?"

My eyes widened, understanding the expression on his face and the sparkle in his look. "Want to get out of here?"

"You read my mind." He let go of my hand and stood up.

I giggled at his audacity and heated at the foretelling in his body language. Standing up, I took his outstretched hand again, interlacing our fingers together. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to my temple.

We walked out of the park, leaving old memories behind and journeying toward making new ones.

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