9. ot8: Cuddle Puddle Party

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I declined Changbin's call for the second time for no particular reason except that I was wallowing in my own pity after the absolute garbage week I'd had which was topped off with a team reprimand before my shift ended today. This week had been the longest year I'd ever worked in my company.

My voicemail tone sounded and I hesitated to listen. I could hear him already with his annoyingly sweet, fussy self and picture him biting his bottom lip at me. With a sigh, I opened the voicemail.

"YAH!! How dare you send me to voicemail when I'm trying to invite you to go get some food! I know you're off work and at home. Don't make me come over there!"

"Don't even..." I mumbled.

"If you don't text me or call me back in the next ten minutes... You've been forewarned."

I rolled my eyes–a small smile spreading across my face–when he blew a raspberry into the phone like a child then hung up. I couldn't help but feel better when I would hear from Binnie. That's how best friends are supposed to be with you and for you. Even with his busy life, he had remained such a loyal and good friend to me over the years. And with his friendship came the automatic proximity to the other 7 (previously 8, but it's been long enough that we don't actually talk about it anymore) members of Stray Kids. I got along with all of them pretty well, some more than others. In a way, they were all my closest friends in addition to the couple of female friends that I kept from school.

I stared at my phone screen, debating on whether or not I wanted to deal with Binnie's energy since so much of my own was leached out of me because of work. I opened up a new message and typed out a quick text to him.

Had a bad week at work and today was the cherry on top. Don't know if I feel like going out. Thanks for the invite.

Not even a minute later, my phone was ringing again. Rude. I answered, brought the phone up to my ear, but didn't say anything.

"What do you need?" Changbin asked from the other end without even hesitating. "Did you eat yet?"

I took a deep breath. I anticipated this kind of response from him, so there was a natural answer already brewing. "Seo Changbin."

"I love it when you say my name."

"Gross. Don't be like that." I rolled my eyes with a short, exasperated laugh. "I don't know what I need. I just know that I don't have the energy to leave and be out in public again today, especially on a Friday night."

"Hmm. Can I bring you something? I'm free for the evening." His tone perked up at the opportunity.

My stomach growled. I was thankful it wasn't loud enough for him to hear. "If you really want to. I'm just letting you know that I won't be the best company. I just need some comfort food, maybe a comfort movie, and—"

"A comfort friend! Got it!" He shouted into the phone and then hung up so fast that all I could do was laugh.

I decided to go take an everything shower and change into something more comfortable since I knew Binnie would end up taking a little while. I let the steaming hot water wash away the yuck from the week that was hanging over me and wrapped my hair up in a towel when I got out. I already was feeling better by the time I'd slipped into my sports bra, sweatpants, and baggy tee.

When I opened the bathroom door and stepped out, I screamed.

"Are you serious, Sugar? We're freaking starving and you're taking your sweet time in the bath! Lee Know actually bit me." Changbin spoke up from my couch, sitting next to a glaring Lee Know, who was sitting next to Han and Hyunjin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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