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Theodore is mumbling to himself as he marches past Jacob's building. Unbeknownst to him, Jacob stands nearby the revolving door, his hands nonchalantly tucked into his pockets.

"Theo," a familiar voice cuts through the mental chaos, instantly grabbing Theodore's attention. He pivots around.



Jacob casually approaches, and the two fall into step as they make their way toward the university.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there," Theodore says, scanning his notes.

"Seems like you're in deep thought."

"Yeah. I barely finished all of the assigned cases. Did you?"

"No. I couldn't do the last two," Jacob admits coolly.

Theodore bites his lower lip, a mix of admiration and irritation bubbling within him due to Jacob's unwavering confidence despite not completing the reading list.

"Actually," Theodore hesitates, "Austin, Stella, and I have a group chat where we assign original cases to each other so we can create digests. If you want, you can join us..."

"Oh, yes. Austin told me about it," Jacob replies. "It's alright. I like working by myself."

"Are you sure?"


Theodore exhales. Jacob hangs out with them frequently, so he doesn't get why he won't accept help. A nagging thought creeps into Theodore's mind, reminding him of his mother's advice about looking out for Jacob.

See, Mom?

Well, he tried.

Dr. Allegre's current situation also creeps into his memory. He steals a glance at Jacob, wondering when it is safe to ask him about it. He's not entirely sure about the nature of their relationship – are they friends, mere classmates, or something in between?

Jacob said he saved him, too. Theodore is unaware of what or how that exactly happened, but if it is true, then does it mean they just owed each other?

Yet, he can't help but think that the debt should have been settled when Jacob came to his aid during that hazing incident.

Theodore scratches his head and grimaces.

"You alright?"

"Yeah. Don't mind me."

With determined effort, Theodore manages to clear his mind of everything unrelated to Criminal Law just in time for class. Attorney Reyes wastes no time and kicks off the recitations. Within the hour, at least ten people find themselves on their feet, including Austin, who stumbles over a crucial part of a case ruling. Stella, on the other hand, is called upon and effortlessly fields all the questions, leaving both their peers and the professor duly impressed.

The corners of Jacob's lips curl upward, a subtle sign of approval. Stella might complain quite a bit, but when it comes to performance, she undeniably delivers. Theodore can't help but notice Jacob's pleased reaction, reflexively lowering his gaze to his notes when he observes his satisfaction.

Attorney Reyes shuffles the index cards to call another student. Those who have not been called hold their breaths, caught between the desire to get it over with and the fear of stumbling through their recitation.


Jacob's heart pounds like a drum as he rises from his seat. Regardless of the facade of indifference he tries to maintain, the prospect of being questioned in front of a room filled with at least 30 students still parches his mouth.

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