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The day after their last final exam, Theodore's parents asked him to come home. Jacob also decided to visit his parents, although, in his words, he only wanted to see his mother. Theodore refused to believe it, but he remained cautious about asking Jacob. There was an unspoken tension surrounding the topic of Dr. Emmanuel, and Theodore did not want to trigger any confrontations. Their relationship was in a good place, and he didn't want to jeopardize it.

He'd let Jacob do it at his own pace. At some point, he'd need to talk about it, and Theodore would be there for him.

"Yes, yes, I'm tidying up," Theodore replied, dusting his shelves while on the phone with Jacob. "How about you? How are you doing?"

Jacob replied, "I'm doing alright. Staying holed up in my room, too. It's been quite some time since I've been back home, so it feels a bit strange."

"Don't stay in your room. And you should visit more often."

Jacob couldn't help but chuckle, "You sound just like my Mom."

"Might be good for you to relax. If you stay at the unit, you'll be reminded of our workload. Plus, you'll have homemade food instead of ordering takeouts."

"That's fine. I won't be having takeouts soon..."

Theodore blushed, clearing his throat. "Consider it."

"Yeah, yeah. But I'll go back to the unit next week."

"For the pool."


Theodore wiped the dirt off his window sill and gazed outside. He felt wistful at the sight of the playground where he and Stella used to hang out.

"Any plans today?" Jacob asked.

"Dad wants me to go with him to the firm."

"Oh? What for?"

"I'm not sure. How about you?"

"I'm thinking of watching some TV shows, maybe catch up on sleep – anything that doesn't require too much brainpower."

Just as Theodore was about to respond, he heard Olivia's voice calling from downstairs.

"I have to go, Jake," Theodore muttered, returning his cleaning tools to the bathroom. "Hopefully I won't have to use my brain, too. I don't want to remind my parents that I'm on a break."

Jacob chortled across the line. "It's not convincing when you're the one saying it."

"Hey, I like rest, too. I'm not a robot."

"I know. I'm messing around. Alright, Theo, I'll let you go now. Have fun."


"I love you."

Theodore nearly felt his heart stop, the blood in his veins pumping outrageously. "W-What... All of a sudden..."

"See you later."

Theodore was certain that Jacob was pleased with himself as he ended the call.

"Jake, wait-!"

Atty. Olivia's head slid through the gap of his door. "Theodore, your father is waiting."

He spun around, flushed.

"A-Ah, yes!"

"Are you alright?"

"Yes... Yes, I'm alright," Theodore stammered, trying to regain his composure, and slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Who were you talking to?"

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