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(Gally's pov)

I can feel my chest pounding as I held y/n between my arms, the tears were rolling down her face, I can't just justify what's she's going through right now. I don't want to do this. But I know if I don't, then someone else will.

With one last breath I plunge a knife at her heart, hearing her last gasp from her lips. I sob uncontrollably, kissing her head, "Rest easy sweetie."

I feel her take her last breath before I slowly pull the knife from her chest and dropping it to the floor, I put her head on my lap.

My hands reach for my mouth, covering them to stop me from crying out in pain. My head caresses her check, sipping a dried tear from her, "I love you."

I can't let her go, I want to stay holding her for as long as I live. Am I doing the right thing?

As I hyperventilate with thoughts pacing around my mind, I hear running footsteps, I look up, seeing Minho standing there in shock.

His hands tremble as he drops to his knees and hands.
I brush her hair from her face, kissing her forehead.

A quiet gasp exits Minho's lips, "What happened?" His breath shakes.

I shake my head, tilting it backwards, unwillingly to let out a word, still feeling her stain blood on my hands.

He sobs, seeming more angrier, "What happened?!" He repeated, crawling over to y/n.

"I had to! Alby would've thrown her out. She killed Teresa, Minho." I held my head in my hands, feeling my heart sink as I feel the energy change.

Minho scoffs sarcastically, "No. You didn't have to do this, Gally! NO! She isn't dead." He rests his hand on her shoulder, trying to shake her awake.

I manage to calm down myself from sobbing uncontrollably, "She's dead. I aimed for her heart."

His deprived eyes dart towards mine, his lip shakes, I could see the anger coming off of him. He crawls away, standing up, wiping his tears away.

My eyes look over at y/n. I don't feel anything. No fear. No regret. No sadness. My eyes then look over to the knife covered in her blood.

If she goes down, so do I. My lip quivers, reaching over to the knife, holding it at my chest.

I pierce through my chest, I whine, clenching my eyes shut. The world goes dark. The pain of her death hits me within seconds, all the numbness disappears all while I can feel what she's feeling because of me.

(Back to y/n's pov — present)

I wake up to the sound of eye piercing screams and Gally shaking my shoulders, the muffled yells of my name, the deafness in my ears, "Y/n! Get up!"

My lip parts as I'm quickly hoisted up from the bed and dragged to the other side of the bedroom. The grievers had attacked the glade once again.

My hands clench onto Gally's arms, he holds my waist close to him, holding my head into his chest, he whispers, "Be quiet love."

I could smell the smoke from the fires and the hear the sound of the girls screaming. My eyes widen, "I can help them."

He puts his finger up to my lips as soon as Gally hears electronic noises and groans from a griever close by. I whimper, holding my eyes closed.

With a few heavy breaths the griever averts it's attention somewhere else, Gally's eyes move to mine, "You're not helping nobody, ok?" He whispers.

I shake my head, hearing the grievers leave. We walk out of the hut, looking at the mess of the glade, it was so organized, now it's a state.

Eventually, some people come out of hiding, I see Lizzie and Izzy come out from the woods. Minho and Chuck come out from another hut.

I see Riley groaning a distance from me, she had been stung, almost seizing on the floor. Everyone quickly runs over to her for help.

Lizzie pants, trying to help, "Y/n! Do something! You're the cure ain't you?"

I exhale, "How do I do it though?"

Izzy interrupted, "Give her your blood, even if it's just a drop."

I look down at my hand, grabbing Gally's knife, slicing it, I whine, handing her my hand, "Take it, Riley, please." I drop a drip onto her lip, as soon as it hits her mouth, she passes out.

I sigh in defeat. Suddenly, she gasps waking up with multiple loud coughs, exhaling in relief, everyone gathers around her to see if it worked.

The grievers stung had completely disappeared, my eyes widen at the sight, my lips part without a word.

Lizzie chuckles in happiness, holding her hands on her cheeks, "That's fucking amazing."

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