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Chapter 7

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I thread my fingers through Maddie's hair, kissing her deeper as we try to (somehow) make it to her bedroom. Call me an idiot in love for flying all the way to Germany when I have to get back on a plane in less than six hours, but this is one hundred percent worth it. Every second of it.

From the softness of her lips to the silkiness of her hair, I'm lost in her, hauling her into my arms, her legs straddling my waist. I pause to set her on the kitchen counter, kissing my way down her neck, and the sounds that come out of her mouth are ones that I dream of at night. When I'm alone in Los Angeles, when the silence begins to bother me, I think of nothing but these moans.

"Fuck, I need you," I pant. One of my hands skims underneath her tank top, brushing along her rib cage, the other holding the back of her head. She's squirming with anticipation as I step between her thighs, which are spread wide for me as her legs dangle off the island.

This is why I came here tonight. I needed to remind her that no matter what happens, no matter what shit Katie tries to throw at us, it'll always be her. There will never be anyone else for me, and if it takes all six hours between her thighs to prove that to her, I'll gladly do it.

Standing up straight, I push her gently down onto her back and work the buttons of her jeans until she's bare in front of me, her underwear and denim falling to the floor. She's wet and glistening, and I groan at the sight. "You have no idea how long I've been thinking about doing this."

Before she can speak, my tongue is on her center, licking that sensitive bud of nerves. Her back arches off the island almost instantly, and those fingers dig into my curls like always. I love that it's familiar. I love that I know exactly what drives her crazy and how she'll react to whatever I choose to do.

"You are insatiable," I say, coming up for air. "Intoxicating." Lick. "And every morning I wake up, able to live another day, I'm still in disbelief that you're mine."

It's been a while since we've had sex, so it doesn't surprise me that she's close. I feel her thighs clench around my head, her tugging growing stronger, and just when she's on the brink of ecstasy, I pull back from her, chuckling when she lifts her head and practically shoots daggers in my direction. "What the hell?" She asks.

I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand and send her a devilish grin. "You said you wanted to not think about anything else, right? I can't let you come that easily, Mads. I want to drive you to the point of insanity—until you come so hard you see stars and can't remember your own name."

Grabbing her hips, I pull her into my arms again, finally making it to her bedroom. My cock is raging hard against my sweatpants, and finally, in two big strides, I'm able to toss her on the bed. We strip ourselves quickly, tossing articles of clothing all over the bed and the floor.

"Cam," she pleads when I reach into the drawer of her nightstand. The vibrator is right where I expected it to be, and the stare she's giving me is made of pure loathing. "Do not use that on me. I can't take any more teasing."

I arch a brow, flicking it on. The gentle hum already causes her to shiver. When I bring it to her inner thighs, dragging it lazily along her skin, she lets out a huff of frustration, moving her hands down to play with her clit. "Did I tell you to touch yourself?"

Her eyes flare open. "You can't be serious."

"Did I?" She's not listening to me, so I drag the vibrator away, giving her no attention at all. "If you can't follow directions, Maddie, I won't help you finish."

The whimper that escapes her is hotter than it should be. Maddie is a strong, independent woman, but knowing I get to see this side of her... The vulnerable, pleading version? I feel like the luckiest guy in the world.

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