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Chapter 16

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"Holden, what the hell was that? You're better than this!"

Panting and out of breath, I run a hand through my hair and lean over to hang my head between my knees. That pass was completely overthrown, I'm aware, and after watching film all day to see where we fucked up, I've been out here for hours to help my receivers correct their mistakes. Truthfully, I'm afraid I'll throw up if I attempt to participate in another play.

A hand lands on my back, firm and strong. "You're distracted."

I glance up at Coach, wincing when the sun beams into my eyes. "I'm sorry," I admit. "I am."

For a multitude of reasons. It's Maddie's first day at work, and despite the itch I have to keep texting her how it's going, I'm refraining because I know why I want to know. She's working with her ex. Well, I'm still not sure if they were ever official, but I'm aware they slept together. Gritting my teeth, I try to shake the unwelcome images floating through my head, but it's no use. If only I hadn't been an idiot all those years ago, she never would have met him, and she never would have slept with anyone else but me.

It sounds ridiculous when I repeat it back to myself. She clearly wanted space after we ended things in high school, and that allowed her to do whatever she wanted while we were apart, but could it at least have been with someone other than Tre? The man who, even if it was for a month, tried to control her and verbally abuse her? How the hell did he get into nursing? There are so many questions I want to ask, but the main one on my mind is how she's doing. Has he said something to her? Or worse, done something to her?

"Go home," Coach says, pulling me from my thoughts.

"What?" I snap my head up, fully alert. "No. I'm fine. We need to work through these plays. I just need to grab some water, and then I'll be good."

Coach shakes his head. "You're no good to me two sheets to the wind. Go home, get some rest, and I'll see you back here in the morning."

Ryan jogs up to us, passing me a water bottle. "Dude, you've been running drills with us for hours. You're good. Go home. We'll have Terry sub in."

Terry? The backup? Oh, hell no.

"Go," Coach says before I can refuse. "It's an order, Holden."


After changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt, I'm shoving things into my duffel bag out of pure rage and frustration.

I'm worried about letting the team down, I'm worried about getting sent home, I'm worried about Terry doing a better job than me, and I'm fucking petrified at the text I received earlier this morning.

Katie: Catch up soon? I'll be at your game this weekend.

What the hell does Katie want to meet me at my game for? If anyone sees her... If anyone gets a picture of this, the media will have a field day, which is exactly what she wants. And then what's going to happen? Pictures will surface, and then rumors will start about me having an affair. Maddie doesn't care about the media, but I do when it reflects her. If images of Katie and me come out, it'll embarrass her, and I can't let that happen.

Brock said that I couldn't go to the police about this, but that was before the sex tape came out. Now that it's released, I need to get in touch with them to see if they can locate the other video of Maddie. But if Brock was afraid the police would release my sex tape for cash, would they release the video of Maddie for the same purpose? Regardless if the video isn't of me, a video of my wife doing drugs would certainly make headlines.

Fucking hell.

I don't know what the right option is. I don't know how to fix this. The private investigator is trying his best, but despite Katie's occupation, she keeps her personal life under lock and key. There's no leverage yet—nothing to hold over her head to give us back the footage.

I'm miserable on the way home, and the photographers camped outside my building don't help. The sex tape has brought a lot of unwanted attention. Were they here when Maddie left for work? While in Germany, she didn't have to deal with the fame or the paparazzi, but now that she's here... Will she be bothered by it?

When I step through my front door, I almost forgot we hired a nanny. Nina is making something on the stove, her head swinging in my direction. A blush immediately stains her cheeks. "Oh. I-I'm sorry," she stutters. "Maddie said that when Izzy was sleeping, I could make myself something to eat if I wanted. I-I haven't gotten my first paycheck yet, so I didn't want to spend money by ordering out."

I'm utterly exhausted from today's events, and Nina's nervousness only annoys me. That's wrong because she seems sweet, and I know I'm being a dick, so I sigh and give her the best smile I can muster up. "It's fine," I reassure her. "Make whatever you want."

I start to head for the bedroom but think twice about it. The least I can do is ask her how her day is going. "Has Izzy been alright for you?" I ask.

"Oh, she's been incredible," she gushes. "We went to the park earlier this morning and then came back to have some lunch."

"Mac and cheese?" I guess.

She laughs, jerking her head to the sink where a cheesy pot lay waiting to be washed. "You'd assume correctly. She fell asleep about thirty minutes ago. I would have cooked something for you, too, if I had known you'd be home early. I thought... I mean, the binder says you normally don't get home until late."

"Normally," I reply tightly. "And you don't have to worry about cooking. That's not part of your job description. As long as Izzy is fed and taken care of, that's all that matters."

Nina shrugs and continues to stir whatever's in the pot. "I tend to get bored when Izzy naps. The least I can do is make you both a meal or do some chores. You both work hard. When you come home from work, you should be able to spend time with your daughter."

"Well...thanks," I say. "Your work is really appreciated. I'm gonna shower and then try to get a few hours of sleep. If there are any problems with Iz, call my phone, and I'll get her."

She ushers me with her hands, giving me a warm smile. "Go. We'll be just fine."

When I reach my room, I can't help thinking how weird having a nanny is. It doesn't feel natural for someone else to care for my daughter. She was in daycare in Germany, but I wasn't around to see her there, so I guess it didn't feel as real. Now, as I strip in the bathroom to shower, I feel...lazy, which is ridiculous since I've been working my ass off since five this morning.

As the water starts up, I shoot Maddie a text.

Me: Thinking of you. Hope your first day is everything you hoped it'd be.

There. I didn't ask if she ran into Tre. Honestly, I'm proud of myself for it.

She doesn't reply until I'm finished with my shower.

Mads: I have SO much to tell you! I love it here already.

Wrapping a towel around my waist, I'm smiling all the way to my dresser as I begin to type out my response. Only then do I notice a white-faced Nina standing by the bed. A stack of folded towels is in her arms, but she seems to be frozen to the ground.

"O-Oh my god, I'm so sorry," she splutters. "I heard the shower running, so I just thought I'd bring the towels from the laundry in and set them on the bed. I...I didn't know you'd be coming out in..." Despite her best efforts, I watch her eyes dip to my bare chest. "I am so sorry," she repeats.

The poor girl looks like she'll pass out at any second. "Nina, it's okay. You didn't realize I'd come back in the room, but maybe next time you can leave the towels outside the door?"

She nods excessively, and I fight the urge to laugh. "Y-Yes. Of course. I'll just... Yeah. I'll do that." When she sets the towels down on the mattress, she bolts out of the room, and for good measure, I make sure to lock the bedroom door. Not that I think she'd come back in after that, but just to be safe.

Seems like Maddie and I will both have stories to share tonight. 

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