Chapter 1 : The tragedy

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My name's Y/N, I'm apart of a pretty normal family. I have a mother, father, a little sister and brother.

Basically I'm the eldest of the three, I'm 14, then there's my sister she's 10 and my brother's 8.

We lived in a house in Tokyo it was big enough for all five of us but it wasn't too  big either. I had friends, well I guess it would be best to call them acquaintances.

I couldn't make real friends at least not in Japan. I'm what you would call a bit chubby not too much but even that is enough for japanese people to mock you.

So to not be an outcast I indulged in self-mockery and it was pretty effective people found me funny so they accepted me in their friends group.

It was the year 2013 and we thrived pretty good, our mother worked at a motor shop, our father works as an accountant at a pretty big company. With the two of them they could afford to pay for a lot of things, but we weren't rich either.

My little sister was known in her school as the 'prodigy' she basically aced all her tests. I know she's a sixth grader but at her age I didn't have this kind of results. 

My brother on the other hand.....How do I say this? He isn't smart like my sister, not even me when I think about it. Lets just say that he's dumb and phiscally compared to our sister he also doesn't hold a candle. 

I mean yeah He's only 8 years old, but at his age I for sure know I had way better results in terms of intelligence and sports.

Our family had a certain routine that repeated itself almost everyday except the week-ends. I wake up at 7 AM. At this time both our parents already left.

I go brush my teeth, put water on my face and all of that, while doing this I go wake up my siblings and tell them to prepare themselves.

When I'm finished with the preparations I go make breakfast, simple toast and eggs for everybody. 

If my sibling aren't finished or ask for my help, I go help them. When all of this is finished it's already 7:30 AM. 

Because their school and mine are in completely opposite places. We have to leave very early.

Sometimes we have an extra twenty minutes, so I let them watch whatever they want on TV.

When that's done, I get our three bikes, their fluorescent jackets and helmets ready. I don't put mine on, not a really good example but my sister know not to replicate what I do  at least not right now?

I leave my little sister in the front; she's well aware of the risks and knows how to ride a bike.

Our little brother is in the middle, so I can keep an eye on him. The end is with me, all the way in the back. I can then react if necessary and pay close attention to the road.

While on the road, on a couple of occasions I came close to passing them. I'm still way faster than them, they're still little so it's normal.

Even though I know people look at me weird when we have P.E. Because even though I'm a little chubby I seem to be naturally more capable than them on a physical level. 

After a 20 minute ride, we finally arrive to my sisters middle school, before I leave with my brother to his elementary school I kiss my sisters cheek and pat her head all the while wishing her a great day.

She blushes but thanks me nonetheless and goes to some of her friends.

We do the same thing but this time it takes a little less time, a 15 minute drive and I leave my brother in the school.

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