It All Comes Crashing Down/Up(8)

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Mabel POV

I blinked and my brother was gone.

Pacifica gripped my arm, "Wendy?" she shouted, fear trembled her voice. Wendy was gone too, so were both the demons. "What do we do? What do we do?!" panic shook her hands, her eyes wildly shot around the small clearing.

"Hey hey," with a once over of my own, there was nothing here, I softened and wrapped my arms around my girlfriend. "It's ok, we need to go to Stan and Ford, they will know what to do. It'll be ok, we've beat him before and we can beat him again." With a tight squeeze I made sure she was stable on her feet. I took her hand and we ran back in the direction we came, back towards the shack as fast as we could.

Bill was back, of course the dream demon was back, because nothing good has ever come out of this stupid run down town and he has Dipper, just like this town took him from me.

The shack came into view and I helped Pacifica the rest of the way, she was not much of a runner. We stumbled in through the front door of the house.

"Ford! Stan!" I shouted up the stairs and around the corner into the living room, Stan who was passed out in the lazy boy chair bolted upwards. Taking a fighting stance that was made much less threatening by the blue boxers and old white tank top.

"What what!" He shouted, looking all around for the immediate danger.

The door from the shop banged open and a much more threatening Ford came through, fully dressed and even armed, "Mabel! What's this all about!"

Pacifica collapsed to her knees, a sob racking her body. I fell with her, my body felt so heavy, tears dripped down my chin, but I couldn't tell if they were coming from anger or fear. "Bill Cipher is back." My words sounded so broken around a hiccup that racked my chest. "He made a deal with Dipper and took him."

"Bill!" Ford shouted in anger waving a gun around wildly like the demon would appear at that moment.

"Fuck." Stan knelt next to us, his heavy callus hand rubbed semi comfortingly at my shoulder, "Did he say anything? Did Dipper? He's smarter than this."

"Damn right he's supposed to be smarter! What was the deal?" Ford was pacing now, his voice full of venom.

I pushed the heels of my hands against my eyes, willing the tears to stop, my sleeves damped from the water dipping from my checks. "I don't know. Just that He gave up his freedom for us." Just then shadow swallowed the windows, drowning the small living room in dark red light. Just outside I could hear howling and thunder cracking. It was happening all over again.

Bill POV

A laugh ripped through my new frame, vocal cords I'd not used for long ached under the weight of it. The pain only made me laugh harder, I spun in the air with the joyous feeling of freedom.

Chaos danced across Gravity Falls below us, set a glow in red light from the rift splitting the sky clean apart above our heads. Behind me, my beautiful Fearamid, as the center stone of this breathtaking view. Oh how glorious.

My old demon pals came crawling when they heard of my return and I quickly put them to work on rounding up the civilians. The Pines shack was expectantly already protected with that aggravating unicorn hair but it's fine, without their little Pinetree there's not a thing they can do.

Ana was grinning beside me, seeing weirdmageddon for the first time, "If I'd known..." she trailed off, her attention turning on the Fearamid, "Shall we go inside?"

The idea of Pinetree, and his big brown eyes waiting for me filled my mind's eye and laughed again. "Yes!"

The front wall split open, brick folding in on brick till there was a gaping triangle shaped entrance. On the inside Pinetree sat on the steps of my throne dais with that red head from the forest. His shoulders stiffened as he watched me float in, his eyes flickered to the wall as it closed into a door behind us.

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