If He Fit's He Shall Sit; Whether He Likes It Or Not(10)

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Dipper POV

The way back to the throne room was no more confusing than the hours I spent lost. The fear that I would never figure this maze out creeped the edges of my mind. The doors themselves, at least, were memorable, intricate carvings of star systems and catalyst forever in the middle of an explosion decorated the golden frame of the tall set painted a deep blood-like red. They swung open as we approached. The shift between red and gold to black marble happened gradually, as if one melted into the other.

The open spaced room sat empty and- the dais was not empty. A throne, painfully familiar in form, now stood on its center.

Choking on my stomach and frozen in place I could only watch as Bill shouted joyfully, "Excellent! I wasn't expecting it this quickly!" With a flourish he dropped himself into the throne.

"Are you kidding!" I blurted, pulling my feet from the rooted spot and almost tripping on the steps of the dais. Up close I could make out familiar faces, they were shrunken to barely inches tall. Turning my attention to Bill, who was beaming and running his fingers over the people embedded in the arm rest, was a bit easier than trying to put word to the guilt that was starting to rack me.

"What?" He laughed mockingly! "I'm just having fun! They would have caused trouble anyway."

"This isn't fun Bill, this is cruel." Anger filled in my voice, and shook my hands.

Bill rolled his head back in a wide arch, letting out a huff he shot up, knocking me back a step for standing to close. His hands shot out grabbing harshly at my arms, with a swing I lost my balance as he shoved me. In the flurry of movement my back hit a hard surface, Bill's arm came down hard across my chest and his other hand held down my leg pressing my body hard into the throne.

Surprise ripped a cry from my throat that only made Bill laugh. I tried to push back on my hands, hating how I could feel the outline of each person. Arching against him in an attempt to not touch it as much as I could but he was stronger than me. His laughter echoed through my body louder now, his smile was cruel and mocking, he pressed in closer, his forehead just about touching mine. The yellow glow from his eyes blinding, I couldn't see more than his smile, the shape of his nose and jaw.

"Let go." I hissed still struggling under him.

"No." His breath was hot, mixing with mine. With one hand I pushed back on his chest, gripping at his clothes. "Just sit still. You might find that you like it."

I was about to say something more, along the lines of never liking something made from live human beings, cause, well duh. But I was interrupted.

"Bill. Could you not for a moment?"

The smile vanished and his face turned cold. "Right now?" The growl pressed hot on my face.

"Yeah. You can play with him later."

Still growling Bill stood up straight, his arm lifting from my chest and his hand letting go of my leg, my fingers unfurled from his shirt. Taking my chance I rocketed out of the throne and stumbled off the steps and way from it, all while staring wildly at Bill. The skin of my thigh was still burning where he touched me. He adjusted the collar of his shirt, running a free hand through his hair. With a look over at me, exacerbated like I would also be offended she'd interrupted, "What." He snipped.

Crossing her arms over her chest, Ana looked unimpressed, "I'm not here for nothing Bill. Remember."

Another shot unhappy look in my direction from Bill.

"Yeah yeah." He dropped himself into the throne, crossing one leg over the other and lazily resting his head on his hand. "So what?"

"What's that thing around the town? Why can't I or anyone else get out now?" She eyed me for a second before returning to the yellow hair man, kicking his foot like a child.

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