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For this chapter and a few up and coming I'll be using ~ for time jumps because the following events will happen over the course of several days. 

Dipper POV

The outside world came crashing in, literally pulling me away from the fantasy I'd built in the gaps of our bodies. A quake from outside shook the ground and couch we sat on, reverberating through us as we pulled apart. Bill's expression shifted too quickly, rage over taking what might have been there before. His gaze shot to the still closed doors hardening against the interruption.

My rational mind came slamming back into my body and I rocketed up on heavy legs. Stumbling numbly as I put some much needed space between my racing thoughts and the man still stretched out on the couch. "What was that?" I asked, swinging around to face the door, hoping that by the time I faced him again the flush on my cheeks would have faded.

"Oh nothing." He sighed agitated, I heard the rustle of fabric as he stood and footsteps as he came closer. "The henchmaniacs most likely returning." Warmth flooded over me sending fire down the center of my back, he was close enough for me to feel his breath on my ear.

Fuck, he was making it really hard to put space between us, say nothing about the heat I could feel burning my ears and cheeks. Desperately trying again, I moved over to the desk. "You should go check on that- I should probably get back to the journal pages anyways..." Face red or not I needed to be facing him so he couldn't press up against me like that again and definitely not while he looked like that. Hair sleep ruffled, clothes slightly a mess and smile turned lopsided on reddened as his gaze drunk me in. I tried in vain to straighten my shirt.

"Of course." He unbuttoned and buttoned his vest with deft fingers smoothing it out against his stomach, my eyes dragged along with them hopelessly. "If you'd like we can meet again tonight to continue where we felt off, we could play a game of your suggestion this time."

"Ok, yeah lets do that, maybe we could play Dungeons, Dungeons, and more Dungeons." I wet my lips, biting back the more embarrassing responses that nonetheless worsened the heat I felted in my ears.

Bill's gaze caught and held mine, "Pinetree." His tone was serious now, but was so far from being harsh, "I enjoyed myself, I hope you did too." Dear god he's coming closer, can he not see what he's doing to me? He kept an arm's length between us. This is all happening way to fast, I need at least two business days to process everything.

"Yeah I did." I muttered instead as the tail spin my thoughts were doing caused me to lose his staring contest in favor of looking down at our shoes.

The lightest brush of fingers moved hair across my brow, a bare press of lips followed with the same quickness, Bill was already turning and leaving the room. Letting the silence fill his space. Giving my mind as much room as it needed to run wild.

I collapsed down into the desk chair and dropped my head in my hands.


Several hours dragged on, other than a few more rumbles somewhere deep in the fearamids core the air was quiet, letting me work uninterrupted. That is by the outside world. The silence had the opposite effect on the voices in my head. Giving them plenty of space to battle it out in my rib cage, bruising my heart and stomping on my stomach. I did everything in my power to focus on the words in front of me despite the turmoil.

Ford's old rambling was worse than the third journal, he seemed to have no direction yet, fumbling around in the dark with endless ideas that he ever finished. Each page front and back was covered in wildly different information. I had to put the page actually depicting the weirdness field to the side in favor of one of the others, one with at least some English words and phrases he's scribbled down in hastily crooked handwriting.

To the Nights in the Hold of Stone (BillDip)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें