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A/n pov

Jimin: hyung!! Mochi is awake!!!

As soon as Jimin said that all eyes went to y/n who groaned in pain as she woke up.

Y/n: Argh! my head

she said as she tried to sit

Jimin helped her sit as everyone surrounded her.

Mr.Kim: are you feeling good?

She nodded

Y/n: Just a little headache. 

Jin: maybe because of the medicine

She nodded

Y/n: I'll be fine don't worry

Enwoo: you want smth to e- *cut off*

He was cut off when the room door opened revealing the two police officers

y/n closed and opened her eyes in frustration, knowing why they are here.

Y/n: what do you want now?

She asked being annoyed.

Female Officer: Ms Kim the clothes we found from you were drenched in blood and the blood wasn't yours which means it was someone else's blood. We have found 25 different blood DNA's from your clothes

Male Officer: This indicates that you have hurted or killed more 25 people other than the main victim. So in charge of this case i - *cut off*


She bursted out.

Y/n: I just fucking opened my eyes after i don't know how many hrs, my head already hurts like hell and on top of that you are just continuously talking, can't you just fucking shut up for once!!!!

Female officer: Miss you can't curse and yell at us

Y/n: Don't fucking tell me what to do or it won't take me a minute to kill you by my own hands

Male officer: Threatening a police officer is a crime if you

Y/n: My heads gonna blast if they keeping talking like this

She said more likely to herself

Jungkook: You want me to kill them for you bunny?

He whispered to her.

She shook her head

Y/n: I need to handle this on my own. Does anyone have my phone?

Everyone shook their heads

Yoongi: maybe you lost it

Y/n:   again?

She sighed

Y/n: Enwoo, In-yeop can anyone of you lend me your phone

In-yeop: no need to ask here you go

He passed his phone to her

Male officer: culprits aren't allowed to use phones if you know

Y/n: shut up

She said as she open his phone. 

She called GD.


GD: hello Agent Sky

Y/n: where are you?

GD: Agent Black?

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